Feathers,feathers everywhere and

If it's really important to you to get eggs, I'd suggest putting a light in the coop. I have mine on a timer from 4-8am every morning, and my girls have been laying like champs.
We live in the country, so early morning crowing is not really a problem. However, we turn on the light in our henhouse about three or four in the afternoon and turn it off at about nine or so. If you live in town, your neighbors might appreciate it if you lit your henhouse in the evening hours rather than the morning hours.

I have three sex-link hens that have been moulting (all of my other girls are two young to moult). I've still been getting an egg a day out of them. Don't know if the egg is from the same hen, or different ones. Egg production seems to be picking up a bit. My BO pullets look like they're about to start laying any time - their combs suddenly grew big and turned red. I can't wait!!!
Spoke too soon. Nineteen eggs yesterday. Five today.
I have a couple of Speckled Sussex who completed their moults 2 months ago and have yet to start laying again. Also an Andalusian who is still moulting. I expect they will start again late December (same time they started last year, their first.) My other non-layers are just not egg-breeds (Cornish, game cross) and I don't expect them to start till spring. However, I am now a convert to sex-links. My GSL hasn't missed a day since she started laying nearly 2 months ago!

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