Feathers won't grow back


7 Years
Apr 9, 2016
Elk Grove, CA
I have a sweet hen who lost feathers probably a year ago and they still have yet to grow back. Can anyone tell me what they think this is from and what can I do to encourage growth. Winter is coming and I don't want her to suffer.
She's missing feathers on top of one of her wings and then underneath both wings.


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Nothing. She should be molting soon. That’s when chickens lose a lot of their feathers and then grow them back. She will good as new before winter. You can research more about molting. It’s interesting!
Nothing. She should be molting soon. That’s when chickens lose a lot of their feathers and then grow them back. She will good as new before winter. You can research more about molting. It’s interesting!
Thanks for your reply! I'm familiar with molting. They have already been through one molt and starting another one now, but her feathers have been this way for much, much longer than any of the others. I kept expecting them to grow back but they haven't. I'm wondering if she is picking her own feathers. I never see her being bullied, so I don't think it's the other chickens.
Thanks for your reply! I'm familiar with molting. They have already been through one molt and starting another one now, but her feathers have been this way for much, much longer than any of the others. I kept expecting them to grow back but they haven't. I'm wondering if she is picking her own feathers. I never see her being bullied, so I don't think it's the other chickens.
She hasn’t had feathers since before last fall?
What do you feed your chickens? Try feeding them high protein feed for better feather growth.
They get organic Modesto milling layer crumbles, meal worms, and scratch with sunflower seeds, flax, peas, etc., and our kitchen scraps. Maybe I'll get some feather fixer feed.
They get organic Modesto milling layer crumbles, meal worms, and scratch with sunflower seeds, flax, peas, etc., and our kitchen scraps. Maybe I'll get some feather fixer feed.
Feather Fixer, flock raiser or chick feed will work, you want 18%-20% protein, you cab get oyster shell on the side if you're concerned that they wont get enough calcium the higher protein feed.

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