
here is one picture i have of me wearing it. It all ive got, the necklace got kind of messed up when i moved and didnt store it properly

oh wow thank you!

yeah i bet you could buy those fakey pearly necklaces in bulk online for really cheap.

eta: it might have been fifteen bucks. I cant remember
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thats my showgirl, peggy, lol. she was a cripple. she was probably only about a month old here.

alternatively, here is another pic of me wearing some feather jewlery. These are hoop earings wrapped in leather with five red feathers and a few charms dangling from them. They were about nine bucks on clearance...so probobly originally 12 or 15

here are some hairbows these are fabric flowers


She also did some flower bows without the eye only used the side feathers. Kinda hard to see in the pic but they shimmer nice


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