I got a new flash light today it's 100 lumens so I'm gonna candle tonight hopefully I see development today's day 14
hi guys , i have 40 ish eggs in the incubator due on 8th march but i had a hatch almost 2 weeks ago , polish , choc orpingtons , silkies and mille fleur . i hope you like the pics

CUTE chickie pics!!!

I go into lockdown tomorrow (Friday).
I have 4 Light Sussex, 7 barnyard mixes, and 15 Silkie eggs.
thanks they are very cute , good luck with the hatch i love lock down its exciting . last lock down for me was one day they all hatched on day 19
i couldnt beleive my ears when i heard cheeps lol
hi guys , i have 40 ish eggs in the incubator due on 8th march but i had a hatch almost 2 weeks ago , polish , choc orpingtons , silkies and mille fleur . i hope you like the pics

Kay they are beautiful!!! I envy you....I would die to have some choc. orps but right now they are just a little too much for my bank account.
Make that 4! They woke me up in the middle of the night, that's for sure! They are so squished in the bator with the other eggs still hatching, but I'm sure they'll be fine. They run around, chirp, run around, squish each other, and then sleep.
LOL how cute and all squished together , congrats BantyChickenLuv
What? Your broody hens don't leave the lights on for her chicks? Hmm... I must have the deluxe model momma hen then. Has the light on, plays soft music, even puts on her apron and whips up a batch of muffins while the chicks are hatching!

Oh wait... no, that's me. Sorry. LOL
we must be twins!

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