I woke up this morning... Too two baby chicks running around that bator!
Kay they are beautiful!!! I envy you....I would die to have some choc. orps but right now they are just a little too much for my bank account.
awwrr i would give you some if you were near
ive got 12 mixed lucky dip colour orpingtons in the bator now , cant wait to see what colours we get . ive already got a splash and she is so lovely
OK, so I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo CRAZY excited!!!! I have ONE WEEK TIL HATCH DAY!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In incubator #2 I have 38 eggs showing signs of something...a few more too dark to tell and out of those 2 show almost a textbook blood ring (but wont remove yet)

Incubator #3 is moving a little slower, so I will wait and candle tomorrow for the first real official recorded time!!!

ACK!!! so happy!!!!!!!!!!!
I had my top silkie hen -Hope- stash 25 eggs in her carrier. I tried to take them away and make her wait a month but I swear she can count! Such a commotion! So I waited and decided to just switch out real for fakes. I thought she will lay and sit 10-15.....no! She went to the count of 25! so when I realized -at count 20--she was determined I started keeping eggs aside from other girls for her.
So I set aside in 7 days 14 eggs which I split between her and another gal Angel. This weekend I will candel and see what my young roos fertility rate is. In the end Hope will be the one to hatch the eggs since she always allows me to handel the chicks from the get go. She also knows the routine of indoor hatching. She calls me with her demands and I answer! HAHAHA.

I set the eggs feb 9 and should hatch march 5 thru the 7th. I hope this weather holds.
Ok, this was my very first hatch in the 'bator and I only ended up with 3 (from 12
), but man, those three make it up in the Kee-Ute factor!!! LOL

Skittles (colourful!), Topper (two tufts) and Midge (for 'midget' cuz she's so dang small! lol). I'm definitely entering the Skittles pic in the hatch photo contest!

Also setting up anther hatch now to time it for an upcoming poultry swap. The ducklings are black swede/pekin cross (Skittles), black swede/saxony (Topper) and I think black swede/cayuga cross (Midge).

I just know I'm in love with all of them!




L-R: Skittles, Midge and Topper


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