day 20 for the maraduna basque eggs
I have high hopes since 10 look so good. 1st time I've had more than 3 eggs make it to lockdown!

yesterday it was so nice & sunny so I took the lav orp & cho orp chicks outside for a few hours. they had the best time & so did I just watching them! I didn't take the 3 cho orps I just hatched or the other tiny chicks outside- but I did move their brooder in front of the patio door so they could get some sunshine too. they are so cute sunning & stretching
day 20 for the maraduna basque eggs
I have high hopes since 10 look so good. 1st time I've had more than 3 eggs make it to lockdown!

yesterday it was so nice & sunny so I took the lav orp & cho orp chicks outside for a few hours. they had the best time & so did I just watching them! I didn't take the 3 cho orps I just hatched or the other tiny chicks outside- but I did move their brooder in front of the patio door so they could get some sunshine too. they are so cute sunning & stretching
awwwwwwwwww good luck on the Basque!!!
My eggs are peeping now. I have 6 of the 26 that have star cracks. This is my second batch and I never saw veins when candling. I use the light that came with the incubator. all I have noticed is that the unfertilized ones look clear and the fertilized one just got a dark coating on the inside that make them look black. if I put the light on the top of the egg i can see a light circle where the air bubble is.
Ok, this was my very first hatch in the 'bator and I only ended up with 3 (from 12
), but man, those three make it up in the Kee-Ute factor!!! LOL

Skittles (colourful!), Topper (two tufts) and Midge (for 'midget' cuz she's so dang small! lol). I'm definitely entering the Skittles pic in the hatch photo contest!

Also setting up anther hatch now to time it for an upcoming poultry swap. The ducklings are black swede/pekin cross (Skittles), black swede/saxony (Topper) and I think black swede/cayuga cross (Midge).

I just know I'm in love with all of them!




L-R: Skittles, Midge and Topper

Major cuteness factor!!!
It's hatch day in our home. We've got 6 of 22 out of their shells (some aren't due for another day or so). Our first hatched last night after dinner and we've got a few more with pip's in the shells. One of the 6 had to be assisted because it was taking so long, it was getting dried to the shell. I just don't have high hopes for "O" - she's not looking good like the other 5.....soon to be 6 - I literally have "J" half-way out of the shell at the moment.

Here are my first 5. They are all barnyard mixes - BO & BR roo's over RIR, BR, EE, BSL.....


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