February Chicks

Hi there! I ordered 25 pullets 2 weeks ago and got 27 baby chicks coming by mail on Feb, 1st. They are brown egg layer. I have no idea what kind they are but they are soooo cute I love them.
I have one that has some problem. She is lethargic and not drinking or eating. I'm trying to get her drink but she won't go by herself. She is not scared, has no reaction when I take her and stay where I drop her. She is the cutest, with a dot on the top of her head that gave her the name "Krishna". I gave her some yolk mixed with the starter. I also made a electrolyte solution out of water, salt and sugar. Then I put her inside the feeder and she started to eat a lot more than she use to. I am so happy. She is sleeping now with her sisters and I hope she will be better tomorrow!!!! (noticed it yesterday).
I know a lot of chicks die when they are on their early weeks and I truly hope it's not going to happen to her. She was my favorite since I got her out of the box.

It's the first time I'm getting chickens and I am really excited!! All the other chicks are doing great and growing. They are big and running around happily chirping!!

I hope you're chicks are going to be fine and I want to see pictures!!!
all 50 baby bantams came! all were dead or dieing except for 7...me and my little sister rose skipped school so we could take care of them. we saved 14 more from the brink of death and literaly we thought this one little pearl oe was dead and so we tossed her into the the dead pile and she just slightly moced her leg and my mum saw it and i rubbed her and heated her up and now she is camped out in front of the fireplace with the other 18 chicks just free ranging the living room getting into trouble! Her name is Pearl. I will post pics very soon!
Oh, that is terrible. I'm glad you all were able to save a bunch of the chicks! Why do you think so many were DOA? Cold weather?
defintly the cold weather! and maybe all the oes ahd their combs dubbed and they all died except for 5 out of 25. my lil sis is rose and rose is only 9 and im 13 and the person in charge of the mail we know her and her name is lana and so she felt soooooo guilty and we have the replacements coming and another box from murray mcmurray and so she said she is gonna get up extra early and be there when the mail gets there so she can make sure they r ok! she is sooooo nice and she is getting rid of her flock of chickens so i get some! for free!

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