February/March 2017 Hatch-a-long

We lost power last night for several hours the eggs were cold when we came home and found them. I put my Dominique egg in my bra while I made a hot water bag to put the eggs under to try to warm the back up. They went back in the incubator once the power went on but by that time the house was in the high 50's. I candled this morning and could see movement in 5 of the 10 eggs. Today is day 18, what are the chances the other's will hatch?

That happened to me, though luckily it was summer so the house didn't get so cold, but everyone hatched fine. I think I lost power for only a few minutes but that incubator doesn't turn itself back in and it was about right hours before I got to it and turned it on.
went into lockdown yesterday, kids are excited.

We pulled one egg (from the 24 we set),it had no development at all, but all the others looked good

Ignore potato quality photo. I went to bed 5 hrs ago with just a small pip in the Dominique egg, I wake up with a fluffy baby in the incubator. Didn't think it would hatch that quickly.
well i tell a lie after hitting submit on my last post, I realized that the incubator was making a lot of noise! We have our first baby out, and another one very close
My 30 copper Marans are 21 days tomorrow! My first hatch I hatched 6 out of 24,perfect temp and humidity. Maybe old eggs? Anyway, Im excited..
I still have forever left. :hit 11 days left for the turkeys and ~12 days left for what my silkie is sitting on. But I am so enjoying seeing all of you all's babies and progress.
we have 5 babies out so far, I'll take some pics in a bit.

The kids are over the moon, we have a snow day here today so they are home from school

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