Febuary hatch a long

My eggs are in!

I have three temperature gauges in there. The bottom of the 'bator is reading at 100F and the top is 99.1F. Hoping that since the eggs are in the middle they are really close to 99.5, I was kind of concerned this morning because the top thermometer was reading 100.9 so I adjusted it down. Hope I didn't already cook these eggs.

Humidity is reading right at 40%

Quick question, when I put the eggs in lockdown I stop turning them, right? Can I put them in a hatching tray at the bottom of the 'bator? I'm a bit confused on that.

My hubby is setting up a webcam so I can see the incubator from work.
I love these hatch a longs. I'll be setting eggs soon be the first time in over a year and my first time with shipped eggs. Incubator is all set up holding temp and finally got humidity where it should be.
i just put my eggs in yesterday. humidity is good and temp. has been holding at 100F it's my first time hatching eggs and i made the incubator myself. they are all mystery eggs! hope it goes well!

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hey i would also like to hatch some eggs with you all.......i had a broody hen ,she was very curious to hatch chicks ,,so i decided to set her ....she sat on 29 jan night......i set 15 eggs ...on day 3 i decided to candle ....they all were growing......i am hatching some bantam and aseel hens eggs..here are some pics


We just had an incident! I was checking in on the incubator and just as I looked at the window I saw a gecko zip by on the inside! :O

I didn't really want to open the door but I didn't want this little gecko to die. Fortunately he was on the door so I grabbed him really fast. The temp and humidity only dropped to about 99.3 and 39% went right back up. Hope the eggs are okay!

As for the gecko, it's rainy and cold outside so I have him in a little cage with a plant and I'll release him tomorrow when it warms up a bit.

I set a dozen and a half yesterday and another dozen today :) currently have three bunches in the Jan./Feb. hatch along I am a newbie to incubating and to date have not had any chicks I have one batch on day 21 and another on day 19 keep your fingers crossed for me love following everyone's progress.
My eggs are in!

I have three temperature gauges in there. The bottom of the 'bator is reading at 100F and the top is 99.1F. Hoping that since the eggs are in the middle they are really close to 99.5, I was kind of concerned this morning because the top thermometer was reading 100.9 so I adjusted it down. Hope I didn't already cook these eggs.

Humidity is reading right at 40%

Quick question, when I put the eggs in lockdown I stop turning them, right? Can I put them in a hatching tray at the bottom of the 'bator? I'm a bit confused on that.

My hubby is setting up a webcam so I can see the incubator from work.

Yes you stop turning them and put them on the tray, and increase the Humidity. I like mine to be between 65% to 75% for hatching that is what works for me!
Hello All very sorry about my absence any an all may joining so excited to see so many ..Saturday I set 22 eggs the most eggs for myself..

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