Febuary hatch a long


6 Years
Jul 20, 2013
Willard Mo
February 1st..I will be setting the most eggs I've ever done I've been collecting eggs since Sunday and I have 16 so far hoping for 24 to set I currently have 8 eleven week old chicks and I need more hens my last hatch was half pullets and half Roos ..if your going to be ready to set eggs follow along
Great another hatchalong
Hope there is room in this party for a newbie. I'm 27, and this is my first hatch!

My friend gave me a redwood incubator cabinet and I fired it up a few days ago to make sure everything was working. It holds temp nice and steady and humidity is easy to adjust by opening/closing the vents in the back. I have three temp/hygro in different spots inside to compare. It also auto-turns about every 2 hours.

My friend gave me four eggs from her hens. There is one blue egg and three brown. Her flock is a barnyard mix. I think the Roo is a RIR and the hens are all different. Some EE, SLW, GLW, black sex-link something, and a few others. The eggs were laid yesterday morning and she brought them over this morning. I am letting them sit about 8 hours before putting them in the incubator.

They are difficult to candle. I think I can see the yolk in the blue egg but nothing in the brown. Technically these eggs were shipped because they were in a car for about an hour, but I don't see any bubbles inside.

Will let you all know how this goes. My friend has offered to keep giving me eggs until I get it figured out, because I eventually want to order some black or copper maran eggs online and don't want to waste my money. And in the future I am thinking about branching out into other birds such as partridge, mandarin ducks, and pheasants.

Wish me luck for my first round!
My eggs are in!

I have three temperature gauges in there. The bottom of the 'bator is reading at 100F and the top is 99.1F. Hoping that since the eggs are in the middle they are really close to 99.5, I was kind of concerned this morning because the top thermometer was reading 100.9 so I adjusted it down. Hope I didn't already cook these eggs.

Humidity is reading right at 40%

Quick question, when I put the eggs in lockdown I stop turning them, right? Can I put them in a hatching tray at the bottom of the 'bator? I'm a bit confused on that.

My hubby is setting up a webcam so I can see the incubator from work.
I'll be setting some test eggs this Saturday. Tonight I'll get the incubator up and running to make sure everything's still working (first hatch since last year-woo!) and to get the air in the incubator a bit more humid. It's been so dry in our house with the woodstove and heat pump taking turns. I'm thinking I'll set about 8 eggs. I've got three from one of my Wheaten Marans hens and will make up the difference with Swedish Flower Hens.

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