Feed Recall

Now you have me worried. We feed our duck Purina Flock Raiser. Our chickens are all on organic feed but what about QuackStar? No signs of sickness yet but.......scary.
Keep us all up-to-date, we are all worried!
One of the few things that they have actually caught in a while. FDA couldn't catch a cold.

Looks like everyone is in panic mode on this one. These kinds of conditions do not appear overnight. How long have people been using the feed from this facility which is supposed to be some kind of plague infested garbage dump? Anyone had an usual number of poisonings in their birds? Heard of any?

FDA never did find out who was poopin' in the spinach patch. Now they've called in the swat team for some mice in a feed mill of all places. You can't keep varmints out of places like that no matter what kind of precautions you take.

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