feeding Chickens Black pepper

Cayenne pepper, either ground or crushed, (a.k.a. red pepper), jalapenos, ground black peppercorns, and serano peppers are all things I have heard that will keep up or increase egg production. My great grandmother grew chili piquins (what we called turkey peppers) along one fence line for the chickens to eat. Those little dinky things pack a wallop in the heat department and she said that they helped keep the egg production up. I can also remember her making a homemade pepper "soup" type stuff and storing it back for using in the winter time. She'd toss about every type pepper she raised in the garden except the bells into a blender after washing them down and run it on puree til it was just a green goo. She'd give them a 1/2 cup of it in the morning and have a full egg basket in the evening during the winter. She would also give her layer feed a healthy dusting of crushed and ground red pepper every day. She'd buy that stuff in big bottles that resembled quart jars and go through the crushed stuff in a week. Figure roughly 1/2 to a whole cup for 24 birds a day?

And no, the eggs tasted like eggs.
I luv me some hot sauce on my yeggs...
1/2 cup of pepper a day, those birds will be laying fireballs or just hard boiled eggs ......Did anyone mention you will also need to get a fire extinguisher.
Keep the post going. I gave them cayenne and peppercorns today in mash mixed with warm water. They were going nuts over it. They did drink 2 quarts of water.They usually only drink about a quart maybe a bit more.....No eggs but we shall update you tomorrow.
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7 eggs today, another pullet laid her first one. Yesterday 2 pullets laid their first ones. Maybe more will start tomorrow at this rate all my girls will be laying by christmas!

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