Feeding leftovers from making poultry stock?


May 31, 2016
Hi all! I'm a new member here, adore the site and have learned a lot from it. I've got 2 older hens- bout 2.5 years- and have kind of an odd question.

I know that my girls are omnivores, but is it safe and/or advisable or not to give chickens the leftovers from a poultry stock? It's a mix of chicken and turkey, with onions, carrots, mixed leftover greens (celery, chive greens, little cilantro...) and various herbs- oregano, thyme, basil, etc... Very little salt was added. Was simmered on low for ~16 hours before cooling and separating.

Now I'm left with ~3lbs plus of waste that I normally throw away (I know, I know, I need a compost pile!). Should I refrigerate it and ration it out as added protein? Remove the onions and bones first?

I've done some looking and have found contradictory results. So, what are your opinions? It's always nice to get some fresh perspectives over ones posted years ago.



We always give our chickens food like that. I know some people are very picky about the food they give their hens, but all the meat in your poultry stock is wonderful protein for them! You do have to be careful with bones, as they can attract predators to the coop, but if you pick them up after the chickens are done, I say go for it!! :)

Thanks for the reply! I ended up giving my gals some and they really seem to enjoy it. I've guess I've found one more way to make scrap food go the distance! :D
I certainly agree that is good to give them. People seem to worry so much about what to feed chickens but they are omnivores. They will eat practically anything that doesn’t eat them first. I do pick the bones out since they have been cooked. Cooked bones can be kind of brittle and may break with sharp edges. Uncooked bones are pliable and don’t pose a threat.

I’ve found another use for the refuse from making broth, bait in a live trap. That’s the only bait I’ve had any success with trapping skunks. I also get raccoons, rats, and possums with that as bait. I’ve even caught a few songbirds and a feral cat. But that stuff is great for the chickens too.

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