Feeding squash and other veggies???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 11, 2009
My little flock of 53 is now almost five weeks old. they have been moved out to the chicken hotel(coop) and have ample room to run, fly jump etc; We have a large garden and I'm concerned as to how much and how soon I can feed them moderately with garden products, especially squash. I have given them a sampling of some weeds, and they seem to eat the leafy part very well. and Oh smile:)
At five weeks old they still really need the complete nutrition of the starter feed, but offering small amount of snacks in the form of good veggies once or twice a day won't hurt. Be sure to offer grit if they don't have access to any naturally.
squash, tomatoes, berries, cabbage, broccoli, yup it is all good. main thing is to be sure it is only a small percent of their diet as these are not high protein items, and they need protein for all that feather growing, etc.

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