Feeding time


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 9, 2010
Does it matter whether they are feed in the mornings or afternoons as far as concerning egglaying? I have several of age but not seeing any eggs yet i have taken care of the mite problem i had and it has been 4 weeks since then and still no eggs but I feed around the 5 pm time range and thought maybe that might have something to do with it.
I leave feed available for them at all times and that way they don't need to worry about it. I've found they are still very good at foraging as they crave the greenery they don't get in the commercial feed.
Do they free range or have other sources on food? I have feed available 24/7. If I were to measure feed them I would split it into to feedings. If I had to do only one feeding it would be in the morning. If they are hungry during the day who knows what they may decide to eat.

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