Feeding wild birds?


8 Years
Nov 30, 2011
My husband wants to feed the wild birds. Telling him no isn't an option; this is an ambition he had had since we bought this house. I know wild birds can carry diseases, but how worried should I really be? What can I do to protect my flock while still allwing hubs to have his own fun?
I feed wild birds all the time. I also feed Feral cats. I am not worried about diseases because such can happen even if I didn't feed them.
Hope this keeps your wild birds in your area NOT HUNGRY.
I live on a farm surrounded by the woods. If I don't have bird feeders out my wild birds will go into my chicken coop to eat feed. It's true that they can bring in diseases, but I enjoy the birds and the woods. We have woodpeckers, cardinals, and all of the other species to watch.
Thinking about this, I realize wild birds come to our yard anyway. Feeding them might bring more, but at least they would be healthier because the would not be starving. Thanks for the link. I found it helpful!
I have a flock of 14 chickens. I love wild birds as well, can I feed the wild birds? My flock does free range just about every day. Can someone comment .. this is 2017.. just looking at old answers.
I have a flock of 14 chickens. I love wild birds as well, can I feed the wild birds? My flock does free range just about every day. Can someone comment .. this is 2017.. just looking at old answers.
I don't have a big scientific study for you, but just my experience.

I have a small 4 hen flock in my suburban back yard. There are many wild birds, and they co mingle with the chickens when they range the backyard, in the same areas.
My chickens scavenge safflower seeds that fall from the feeders, for example.

I took a sample in for a fecal analysis in about 2 months ago on one of my hens, it was negative.
The chickens are all healthy, including their poops!

So I'm pretty comfortable with the situation.
I have a flock of 14 chickens. I love wild birds as well, can I feed the wild birds? My flock does free range just about every day. Can someone comment .. this is 2017.. just looking at old answers.
Did not realize how fast time flies, It is almost 2 years since I posted. I have and am feeding my feathered wild friends on a continuous basis. An important part of feeding during winter is this;; Once you decide to feed the birds, do not stop at least until spring.. Birds do become accustomed to getting their seeds at your feeder. If you stop, then they have difficulty finding another source quickly, and suffer hunger spells. In spring time, you can stop, or try to reduce feeding since birds can find food on the new greens growing. I personally just feed year round by choice. In the summer time less is consumed from the feeders than in the winter. I have been feeding wild birds before I got chickens. (chicken keeping, as pets only , about 20 years now). I also keep pigeons, and they mingle with my chickens as well. Never had any avian flu encounters!!!

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