Feeling sad... Update on Beau post 38

Im sorry for your loss! I lost my old Dog Maggie September 14th and my heart has been broken. She followed me everywhere. I know how you feel! Keeping you and yours in thoughts and prayer
I'm so sorry for your loss

This was sent to me the day we lost our beloved Charlie Girl (an irish wolfhound mix) and I found it again the other day:

I know that it must be different
Now that I'm no longer there
I realize how much I was loved
and how all of you did care
I know it will be hard at first
when you look around for me
Expecting to find me in my bed
or beside my favorite tree

Someday you'll begin to see
although it'll take some time
The happy times you shared with me
the memories are yours and mine
I'll remember you my friends
and how much you meant to me
So please don't grieve
and don't be sad
It was just my time to leave
So sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. They're like our children, and really work their way into our hearts. I can see how special he was by looking at the picture you posted. Look at that picture often, and remember him that way. I had a Beau too, and cried like a baby when we lost him.
Oh, Mrs F. I am so sorry to hear that Beau is now gone. I am sure he knew how much you all loved him - he certainly looks a very happy and contented dog in that photo - what a lovely memory for you to have and keep.

I wish I could offer you some real words of comfort, but I know that nothing can bring him back or take away that great empty hole in your lives. I am still grieving for my dogs and it is so hard. I can say though that the old cliche that time is a great healer is true. You will never forget him but every day will get a little easier as time goes on.

If it helps, and I know this is very soon, but a few months after I lost my two dogs, I got a cat. I could never have a cat before as one of my dogs did not get on with them. My cat can never replace the dogs, but helps to fill the gap that was left. I recently had a car accident and was in bed for a few weeks - the cat stayed with me in bed the whole time giving me great comfort and company, and I am so grateful for that. One day, I am sure you will find another animal to share your lives and your heart with and to bring you joy again.

Gritsar - that is an absolutely beautiful poem. It had me in tears from the start. Thank you for posting it for us all to read and enjoy.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
One always feel such a profound void in one's life when a loved constant companion dies.
My greatest and most earnest sympathies.

i'm sitting here crying for lost loved companions
I am very sorry for you and your families loss of your beloved friend. I know the hurt you must be feeling because on Sept 13 my best friend and companion of 14 years passed on. She was suffering horribly and I had to make the choice to put her out of her misery or let nature take it's course. I of course couldn't bear to watch her suffer in pain. I was with her the entire time. We had a connection and we communicated without words. I'm sure I'll never have that again with any pet. Having to make the decision to do what I did was tearing me apart all weekend. I had the vet doing all kinds of test to see if they could fix her. But if they had operated on her which would have been her only chance, her chances of recovering was extremely slim. So, I made the decision to let her go to heaven before her pain got worse. With out surgery the vet couldn't only guess that she had either alot of tumors or cancer in her intestines. She couldn't keep down any food and was in so much pain she could just barely walk. There hasn't gone a day since that I don't cry because I miss her terribly. Some days are worse than others. She came into my life at a time when I really needed somebody and has been there for me the entire time. I love her dearly and always will.

For the past year I have promised that if she where suffering I would put her down before I just let her die miserably. Every time I even thought of it I would cry knowing the decision was all mine and I would have to live with the guilt of doing it. The only guilt I feel is that my circumstances wouldn't let me get her to the vet sooner and she suffered longer than she should have. It was only a week but a week in pain is like an eternity. I will see her again one day and I will be greeted with that smile of hers that everybody that was ever friends with her remembers. I'll see my best friend again, but we will both be in better health and happier.

DH seems to think I need to get a puppy. I just don't feel like I could give a puppy the time they need right now. Besides, nobody could replace a family member as she was.

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