FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

This thread is really long and I was looking through it trying to find instructions on how to ferment the feed. I have read a couple of articles and they all seem to say something different. I am starting to think that as long as you keep the feed soaked for 3-4 days badaboom you have it. Some say you need to have apple cider vinegar and others say no, some say put the lid on tight some say don't. Some say it last for along time in the jar/bucket others say it only last a couple of days. What say ye?
PS thanks for the help.
I use the one bucket method. I pour in the feed, then the same amount of water. I stir it and put the lid on loosely. Then I store it a couple times a day at least. I make at the consistency of cooked oatmeal. So if I have to add a little more water or a little more feed to make it that way that's what I do. It starts to have the sour pickle smell in two or three days. I use the feed until I start getting down to a days worth then I just add more feed and water and keep it going. You don't need to add anything else. But you can if you want to like buttermilk or a little apple cider vinegar. It is very easy. Do not use a metal container. I use a foodgrade bucket that I got for free at the bakery at my grocery store. Do not feed it in a metal bowl either. I also use a plastic spoon instead of metal. That's it. Not too technical. You do not have to have a layer of water on top.
This thread is really long and I was looking through it trying to find instructions on how to ferment the feed. I have read a couple of articles and they all seem to say something different. I am starting to think that as long as you keep the feed soaked for 3-4 days badaboom you have it. Some say you need to have apple cider vinegar and others say no, some say put the lid on tight some say don't. Some say it last for along time in the jar/bucket others say it only last a couple of days. What say ye?
PS thanks for the help.

That's about it...soak the feed for a few days, it will ferment. You don't need ACV, you don't need a tight lid....you actually really don't WANT a tight lid unless you like exploding feed stuff, it lasts as long as the scoby has fresh feed and that depends on the temperature, the nature of the feed, etc. You don't have to feed it out in a couple of days, it can last much longer than that.

Here's a place that's the most accurate for answering questions: https://tikktok.wordpress.com/2014/04/13/fermented-feed-faq/
This is what my adult feed looks like, I use a all natural whole grain feed.
and this is the chick feed. It is pure Rena medicated.
I feed it in the black bowl or I just throw it on the ground. And with the chicks I feed it and a little bowl. I hope this helps. It really is easy.
That's about it...soak the feed for a few days, it will ferment.  You don't need ACV, you don't need a tight lid....you actually really don't WANT a tight lid unless you like exploding feed stuff, it lasts as long as the scoby has fresh feed and that depends on the temperature, the nature of the feed, etc.  You don't have to feed it out in a couple of days, it can last much longer than that. 

Here's a place that's the most accurate for answering questions:  https://tikktok.wordpress.com/2014/04/13/fermented-feed-faq/

Yes, that is a great informative site. That's the one that made me decide to try it. Because it is the simple list low maintenance.
This thread is really long and I was looking through it trying to find instructions on how to ferment the feed. I have read a couple of articles and they all seem to say something different. I am starting to think that as long as you keep the feed soaked for 3-4 days badaboom you have it. Some say you need to have apple cider vinegar and others say no, some say put the lid on tight some say don't. Some say it last for along time in the jar/bucket others say it only last a couple of days. What say ye?
PS thanks for the help.

Start by reading page 1.
This thread is really long and I was looking through it trying to find instructions on how to ferment the feed. I have read a couple of articles and they all seem to say something different. I am starting to think that as long as you keep the feed soaked for 3-4 days badaboom you have it. Some say you need to have apple cider vinegar and others say no, some say put the lid on tight some say don't. Some say it last for along time in the jar/bucket others say it only last a couple of days. What say ye?
PS thanks for the help.
I say yes, there are MANY ways that people do this! I say, if it's not moldy or rotten and your chickens eat it then you are doing great, keep it up! I like to add ACV for the added health benefits but it's not needed.
I made a real quick video on how I make fermented feed. I will also add some video of both before and after a couple of months of feeding the hens and any difference in appearance when I have the after video. So far they look much fuller with feathers in my opinion.

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