FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Wonders how various veg might, or might not, change the chemistry of the ferment.....and if that would be good or bad or moot?

I definitely wouldn't be putting garlic or some of the other items that have antimicrobial activity in it (cinnamon, oregano, marigold/calendula, etc.). Excess acidity might have some effect as well? The ferment does become acidic, but I don't think it starts out that way.
Wonders how various veg might, or might not, change the chemistry of the ferment.....and if that would be good or bad or moot?
Agreed. That is why I choose not to complicate such a simple thing. Chickens love the veggies just as they are. If I'm going to add stuff, I'll just toss it into the dish on top of the FF. But, honestly, I'm more apt to toss the goodies on the ground unless they have a broth like component to them. Garlic, while it is anti microbial and anti helminthic, one must also keep in mind that it has anticoagulant properties as well. Too much of a good thing is not always a good thing. My birds go nuts when I give them the bulbils from a garlic scape.
How long do folks usually leave their FF out before it goes bad? It's about 70 out. Hours? I know ideally I'd just give them enough for a day but I'm still figuring out rations.
I just alternate 2 buckets, aiming for a day's worth of feed in each bucket. Sometimes, they eat less, meaning that a bucket will be close to 4 days old, and riper by the time they finish it. Smells a bit, but they don't seem to mind. In hot weather, I use cold water, that seems to slow it down a bit. I've also found that when I use hose water it gets a bit odiferous, so I use tap water from laundry sink.
Well, if it's in the bucket then mine never really goes "bad", it just continues to ferment and like lazy gardener said, gets a bit whiffy. Feeding it out, I feed once daily in the evening and aim to have enough left over from filling their crops that they get a bit of breakfast in the morning as well--to tide them over until I get out there and open the pens up for free ranging. So, it sits in the trough 12ish hours or so.
I'm trying to find the link to the the basics of fermenting feed, but can't seem to find it now. I put chick starter and spring water in a jar - thin oatmeal consistency. I've left it on the counter, stirred it once or twice daily, and now it has a bunch of small white bubbles on the top. Smells earthy. :) This is day 4... I can feed it now, right? Thanks!

Never mind, I found the link! thanks!
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I'm trying to find the link to the the basics of fermenting feed, but can't seem to find it now. I put chick starter and spring water in a jar - thin oatmeal consistency. I've left it on the counter, stirred it once or twice daily, and now it has a bunch of small white bubbles on the top. Smells earthy. :) This is day 4... I can feed it now, right? Thanks!

Never mind, I found the link! thanks!

Yes, it should be ready. I always have 2 containers going. If you save a little out of the one you are feeding from and mix it with new feed, it seems to work like sour dough bread starter. Yoiu don't have to wit as long for it to ferment. I alternate feed containers each day. I use pretty much equal amounts of feed and water when I mix it.
Ainee, if this is your first time with FF, and you have young chicks, I want to warn you to be sure it's thick enough in consistency and in a shallow enough container that they can't sink into it and do a face plant. Some folks have lost chicks by feeding too deep and too mushy. Enjoy! You'll be pleased with what it does for your chicks and for your feed bill.
Ainee, if this is your first time with FF, and you have young chicks, I want to warn you to be sure it's thick enough in consistency and in a shallow enough container that they can't sink into it and do a face plant.  Some folks have lost chicks by feeding too deep and too mushy.  Enjoy!  You'll be pleased with what it does for your chicks and for your feed bill.

Yes, it should be ready.  I always have 2 containers going.  If you save a little out of the one you are feeding from and mix it with new feed, it seems to work like sour dough bread starter. Yoiu don't have to wit as long for it to ferment.  I alternate feed containers each day.  I use pretty much equal amounts of feed and water when I mix it.
Thank you so much for the advice and input! I am new to all of this. My chicks are 4 weeks old. I gave them a small amount in a shallow lid, and they just picked at it. They're so funny the way they look at unfamiliar things at first, as if I'd just placed an alien from outer space in their midst. Ha! Cracks me up. Anyway, maybe it's a little too soupy, so I'll try draining it more. Thank you!

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