Fermented feeds - does it really cut food use in half?

I have 23 chickens, two are roosters.  H&H isn't cheap and I really wanted to try fermenting.  Okay, mine smells nothing like pickles so I'm throwing it out.  Thanks for the help.

Don't throw it away too quick! Sometimes it smells bad, like vomit or something. LOL how did you make it???
I filled a Folgers red plastic coffee can with a scoop of H&H chicken feed and then added water, stirred and added more water until it was covered nicely with water. I then put an elastic plastic wrap cover with lots of holes on top. I stirred it each day.
I make mine so thick that it is impossible to stir it after I make it and it soaks up the water, so I never stir after initially mixing it up. I have had mine smell like sweet apples, yeasty bread, "blahhh!", etc. lol It is really hard to mess up. You can learn all you need to know of the "Fermented Feed for Meat Birds" thread.
Or..... go here: http://tikktok.wordpress.com/category/chicken-info/
Help, my H&H fermenting chicken feed smells like poop. I fear I've waited it all. I've had it in the house in a Folgers red plastic coffee can with a plastic cover with holes since Tuesday. Should I throw it out? It's bubbling but does not smell good at all.

H&H has fish and other animal protein so if fermented I guess it would stink a whole lot... I only ferment grain based feeds.
I filled a Folgers red plastic coffee can with a scoop of H&H chicken feed and then added water, stirred and added more water until it was covered nicely with water.  I then put an elastic plastic wrap cover with lots of holes on top.  I stirred it each day.

I wouldn't bother stirring after I mixed it up and I would just lay a clean dish rag or something like that over it. When I have kept mine in the house I didn't even cover it. That way it gets a lot of natural things from the air to start fermenting with. But when I keep it out in the garage I cover it to keep mice out. I just lay the lid on it. Don't ever seal it airtight or it can blow up. lol If you are just starting it, it will take a few days for it to ferment. One thing I do that isn't necessary at all but does speed things up is add a little buttermilk when I start it. I hope you didn't throw it out. I bet it is good, just stinking because of the meat in your feed.
Help, my H&H fermenting chicken feed smells like poop.  I fear I've waited it all.  I've had it in the house in a Folgers red plastic coffee can with a plastic cover with holes since Tuesday.  Should I throw it out?  It's bubbling but does not smell good at all.

I was just reading this post... I believe your feed is fine. The bubbling means that it has reached fermentation. I would feed it to them. They may hesitate on eating it at first but that won't last long at all. If they do hesitate you can sprinkle a little of their dry feed on top of it. Soon they will be attacking you for it!
I set it outside last night but haven't thrown it away yet. Is it better to ferment grains and forget the crumble?

Yesterday I got my Ador1 pop door in so this morning I was installing it and of course it started to rain half way through. We've been in a drought here for months. My chickens were 10-12 weeks old before they ever saw or heard rain.
I set it outside last night but haven't thrown it away yet. Is it better to ferment grains and forget the crumble?

Yesterday I got my Ador1 pop door in so this morning I was installing it and of course it started to rain half way through. We've been in a drought here for months. My chickens were 10-12 weeks old before they ever saw or heard rain.

Yea!!!! Rain. Best ever. Let us know how the Ador1 works. What I do is buy gamebird 26% that has extra meat products in it. I mix a scoop or two of it in my regular layer mix. Bumps up the protein without overpowering the smell. Works fine. I also add BOSS and scratch. Crimped oats would work. I haven't tried them only whole oats (and they WON'T eat it) Even fermenting and soaking days. I haven't tried others yet.
I set it outside last night but haven't thrown it away yet.  Is it better to ferment grains and forget the crumble?

Yesterday I got my Ador1 pop door in so this morning I was installing it and of course it started to rain half way through.  We've been in a drought here for months.  My chickens were 10-12 weeks old before they ever saw or heard rain.

Personally, I wouldn't throw it out. I'd feed it to them. From what you say, it is fine. Just smells funny because of the meat in the feed. You can ferment about any feed or grain. You just have to be careful on the balance of the nutrients in your final mix (protein, vitamins, minerals, etc).

Great on the rain!! :)

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