Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Perchie, I was referring to my daughters having a hayday playing on the ribbon! They've picked up my old-school play habits. You know, tetherball, climbing on top of the playground equipment, flipping off the tops of swings... Stuff most of today's kids are terrified of. Heck, when she was 18 months old, my daughter would run up the slide and belly flop so she could slide back down.
LOL - when my daughter was 18mo old, she was typically found at the top of the tallest place in the playground! 3m up on a steep rock pile that my 14yo step son was too chicken to climb up! She is now 4.5 and could show your average kid these days what you are supposed to do outside!

Well, maybe not. She was terrified of the cows last year, but she and her brother (3yo) know exactly what chickens are for and loved rounding them up last year, and watching us butcher them! Get them desensitized early and then we don't have to worry about the "EEEWWWWW! GROSS!" factor!

I can't stand how attached kids are with their electronics these days! Or their attachment to melting in the rain! (OH NO - I CAN'T go outside, it's RAINING!).

Um... excuse me,... do you melt?
Amen! I used to tell my boys how fun summer used to be when all the neighborhood kids would get together for hide and seek after dark or for a wiffle ball, soft ball or football game. Or even a good game of king of the hill...rough and tumble but it sure was good exercise and we didn't cry over banged up knees and elbows back then.

My kids missed all of that because, though they didn't have electronics to space out in front of, the rest of the neighbor kids did and so there wasn't enough kids for a good game of anything.
Amen! I used to tell my boys how fun summer used to be when all the neighborhood kids would get together for hide and seek after dark or for a wiffle ball, soft ball or football game. Or even a good game of king of the hill...rough and tumble but it sure was good exercise and we didn't cry over banged up knees and elbows back then.

My kids missed all of that because, though they didn't have electronics to space out in front of, the rest of the neighbor kids did and so there wasn't enough kids for a good game of anything.
LOL!!! You just didn't have enough kids!!! A good round 10 is probably good (Will never happen over here, though!)! Or just have a permanent power failure!

I grew up without a TV and lo and behold, didn't have much to share with the neighbourhood or school kids my age - but did have a lot to share with the other 2 people who had no TV or electronics! Still best friends with my classmate from Grade 6!
Amen!  I used to tell my boys how fun summer used to be when all the neighborhood kids would get together for hide and seek after dark or for a wiffle ball, soft ball or football game.  Or even a good game of king of the hill...rough and tumble but it sure was good exercise and we didn't cry over banged up knees and elbows back then. 

My kids missed all of that because, though they didn't have electronics to space out in front of, the rest of the neighbor kids did and so there wasn't enough kids for a good game of anything. 

I was just thinking about "king of the hill" today! lol Parents these days would flip if they were to see their kid slung around real good or oh my gosh, get dirty or their clothes torn. hahahaha I believe those goats made me remember that.
I was just thinking about "king of the hill" today! lol Parents these days would flip if they were to see their kid slung around real good or oh my gosh, get dirty or their clothes torn. hahahaha I believe those goats made me remember that.

I got my first kiss from a boy while playing king of the hill! Right on the cheek! Covered in dirt, grass and sweat and I'll never forget it. Those were good times!
I got my first kiss from a boy while playing king of the hill!  Right on the cheek!  Covered in dirt, grass and sweat and I'll never forget it.  Those were good times! 

I got mine while playing "hide and seek", in a corn field. It was gross! LOL I hope for his wife's sake he got better at smooching. hahaha
My first "real" kiss was when I was 12, he was 16, and it was the best kiss I've ever had...and I haven't had one since to top it. It was at the county fair and there were fireworks going on. I got a whipping with a belt for being out in the dark with a boy...but it was worth it.
My first "real" kiss was when I was 12, he was 16, and it was the best kiss I've ever had...and I haven't had one since to top it.  It was at the county fair and there were fireworks going on.  I got a whipping with a belt for being out in the dark with a boy...but it was worth it. 

I'm glad it was worth the whipping! LOL I believe I was 10-12 during the corn field incident and he was about a year older. I always played with boys, no girls around here. Mom got all silly about it when I turned about 11. I thought she was being so ridiculous, made me so mad! lol Shoot, I could have and would have whipped any of those boys had they tried anything. LOL
LOL!!! You just didn't have enough kids!!! A good round 10 is probably good (Will never happen over here, though!)! Or just have a permanent power failure!

I grew up without a TV and lo and behold, didn't have much to share with the neighbourhood or school kids my age - but did have a lot to share with the other 2 people who had no TV or electronics! Still best friends with my classmate from Grade 6!

You sound like my parents! They've adopted four kids already, and are fostering with the intent to adopt two more. They are all Hispanic, while my parents are as white as the sandy beaches of Bora Bora. My eldest daughter is half Hispanic, my middle daughter is a quarter Hispanic and a quarter Sicilian, so both are dark skinned. You should see the looks we get going out in public with four white adults and eight Hispanic kids! Oh, the confusion there is so comical... We always joke about having our own football team.

My first "real" kiss was when I was 12, he was 16, and it was the best kiss I've ever had...and I haven't had one since to top it. It was at the county fair and there were fireworks going on. I got a whipping with a belt for being out in the dark with a boy...but it was worth it.

You know, my thing was never getting the whippings. It was having to go choose the device of my destruction. Thick switch, thin switch, wooden spatula, small handled cutting board, ruler... That was the worst part. Knowing I was in control of my punishment, but it would leave me thinking no matter what! Heck, the ol' timers could smack you with a toothpick and it'd hurt.

But oh, staying out after dark. We would be outside playing from pre-sunrise to far after sunset all summer long. The good ol' days. I would love to be a kid again.

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