Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Bee, I just want you to know that you form your thoughts so very well and you put them down in order and they flow and go together like they should. I tend to be a little bit scatter-brained and just am not as eloquent as you are. But I want you to know, I copied all of that which you wrote above and have put it into a "Word" document. I'm going to make a wood burning, actually two, and the words will be what you wrote. I'm going to give one to my daughter when she and her wonderful fiance tie the knot and I'm going to give one to my son before he even gets involved with any young ladies. I want him to see this and read it and get it engrained into who he is so that his wife will NEVER have occasion to ask the Lord, "Why?"

You are truly a blessing and I just want you to know that I appreciate you so very much. I wish we lived closer too cuz I think we could be pretty good buds. I would learn a lot from you and you would have lots of good reasons to laugh and probably roll your eyes a bit too!

Well. that's about the nicest thing I've ever heard! Thank you! I'm overawed that you would use those words....if I had known they would be used I might have used more care to form them!
I pray that your daughter will have just such a husband, as he will be a pearl of great price!

You don't know how much I'd love to have some of you ladies living next door! What a fun time we'd have and what wonderful fellowship!
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The essence?  I guess that's different for each woman but many of the characteristics one looks for are basically the same...that's why the romance movies and books are so successful, they feed into the dream of the "perfect" mate/male but in reality there are none.  We aren't perfect either, so that's okay. 

I've always wanted a man who was wise.  For, if he is wise, he will have~ or work to develop~ all the other traits that are so very valuable in a man~or woman, for that matter. 

This pretty much describes everyone's "perfect guy".....everyone run over to Sarah's house, kidnap her fella and rush him to the cloning lab.  STAT!   :lol:

I'll add to that list:  Godly, tender-hearted, strong, sensitive, smart, humorous, honorable, respectful of women, clean, good father, good husband, good friend, good neighbor, good employee, gets up when he falls, helps me up when I fall, understanding, and not self-absorbed...really looks at you when you talk and engages in the subject matter~no matter how many times he might have heard it, because you do the same for him.  Kisses you even when not working up to physical intimacy.  Tells you he loves you every day and really means it.  His face lights up when you come in the room, no matter how many years you are together. 

He doesn't complain about you at work and you can't think of anything to complain about him at work either.  He truly is your friend and worries about what you might think of something, because that's what friends do, but also is the man of the family and is strong enough to lead it on right pathways, not giving into the weaker intentions of a woman or the kids, but goes where God would have him lead. 

He sees what needs to be done before you mention it, because he is observant~in other words, you won't need to nag him because he is working one step ahead of you.  He also expects the same of you, because that's how a partnership is....both working together, but also independently.  He allows you to be who you are, because that is who he married, but he also shows you who you could be when equally yoked with him and going in a single direction. 

In other words, he's a dreamer and he takes you along into those dreams and even wants to go along in your dreams, as long as they are both of a godly endeavor.  You can walk, work and love side by side without worrying about who has the upper hand....God does, then your husband because you can trust him to have it, then you, because he trusts you to carry what he cannot. 

joyful times with, worship with and have a life with.  That's the perfect "rooster" for me. 
Look what I started Srry lol

No, don't be sorry! That's how we roll on this thread!
We get off topic, we wander along side paths, we love one another and share our hopes. I think every woman, at one point or another, has hoped for the right man to complete their lives. Some of us will die with that hope, some have found him, some will continue to look, some are content to know what they want, even though they may never have it.

It's all about life and I think this thread is more about that, even, than it is about fermented feed.
Quote: I'll learn?

I've been learning. I'm in a marriage that is pretty far from my ideal but I'm staying and I won't leave because I've made a choice. Actually, I've made two choices.

1. I've chosen to love my husband because he is the one that God has provided. He is father to my children. He is first and foremost a man of God, he is a somewhat patient man, he's a good provider, he loves our children and he loves me and indulges my fondness for my birds.

2. I've chosen to be obedient to the Lord. This is the man God has provided, therefore I will love him.

We've been married for 21 years and though we have disagreed on a few things, we have not had a fight. I get impatient with him nearly every bloody day. But I've chosen to love him.
I'll learn?

I've been learning. I'm in a marriage that is pretty far from my ideal but I'm staying and I won't leave because I've made a choice. Actually, I've made two choices.

1. I've chosen to love my husband because he is the one that God has provided. He is father to my children. He is first and foremost a man of God, he is a somewhat patient man, he's a good provider, he loves our children and he loves me and indulges my fondness for my birds.

2. I've chosen to be obedient to the Lord. This is the man God has provided, therefore I will love him.

We've been married for 21 years and though we have disagreed on a few things, we have not had a fight. I get impatient with him nearly every bloody day. But I've chosen to love him.

Amen. Now you've met the essence of a good "hen"! It's not so much about our wants but what the Flockmaster would have for us, and He wants for us so much more than an illusion of love.
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The essence?  I guess that's different for each woman but many of the characteristics one looks for are basically the same...that's why the romance movies and books are so successful, they feed into the dream of the "perfect" mate/male but in reality there are none.  We aren't perfect either, so that's okay. 

I've always wanted a man who was wise.  For, if he is wise, he will have~ or work to develop~ all the other traits that are so very valuable in a man~or woman, for that matter. 

This pretty much describes everyone's "perfect guy".....everyone run over to Sarah's house, kidnap her fella and rush him to the cloning lab.  STAT!   :lol:

I'll add to that list:  Godly, tender-hearted, strong, sensitive, smart, humorous, honorable, respectful of women, clean, good father, good husband, good friend, good neighbor, good employee, gets up when he falls, helps me up when I fall, understanding, and not self-absorbed...really looks at you when you talk and engages in the subject matter~no matter how many times he might have heard it, because you do the same for him.  Kisses you even when not working up to physical intimacy.  Tells you he loves you every day and really means it.  His face lights up when you come in the room, no matter how many years you are together. 

He doesn't complain about you at work and you can't think of anything to complain about him at work either.  He truly is your friend and worries about what you might think of something, because that's what friends do, but also is the man of the family and is strong enough to lead it on right pathways, not giving into the weaker intentions of a woman or the kids, but goes where God would have him lead. 

He sees what needs to be done before you mention it, because he is observant~in other words, you won't need to nag him because he is working one step ahead of you.  He also expects the same of you, because that's how a partnership is....both working together, but also independently.  He allows you to be who you are, because that is who he married, but he also shows you who you could be when equally yoked with him and going in a single direction. 

In other words, he's a dreamer and he takes you along into those dreams and even wants to go along in your dreams, as long as they are both of a godly endeavor.  You can walk, work and love side by side without worrying about who has the upper hand....God does, then your husband because you can trust him to have it, then you, because he trusts you to carry what he cannot. 

He's a joy to work with, live with, travel with, sleep with, have intimacy with, have kids with, have a meal with, go through hard times with, go through joyful times with, worship with and have a life with.  That's the perfect "rooster" for me. 

Bee! You already have this one! His name is Jesus! lol But wouldn't we all love to have a flesh and blood man like that? Life would be good. lol

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