Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I must say that although I am probably significantly younger than many of you, I have found a prince who was thankfully let go of by his wicked ex-wife. I’ve had to deal with that wench for 8 years so far and can’t believe the things that she does! Woah! Their poor 14yo son…

But, to get back to (Ahem) topic… My dear hubby is the most amazing, thoughtful, easy going, caring, well intentioned, forgiving, trustworthy, hard-working, helpful, creative, fun loving, supportive, adventurous person I have ever met. He’s the kind of guy that actually takes the time to listen, cares, and understands – that others go to to have a listening ear and support when they need it. Not only that, he’s good looking to boot! AND he puts up with ME!
I would say that as few frogs as I have kissed (My first kiss was when I was 16 and it was – sloppy and wet), I’m glad I waited until I was 30 and found this real treasure.

And, maybe I do have to thank his ex-wife a little – she “put him back on the market”, and now that he found someone worthwhile, he’s willing to do what it takes to keep it going, and he does well! I believe we’ve only had one real argument in our time together, and that was completely understood as both of us had way too much on our plates and needed an outlet – not blame on either of us! You know, you are never upset for the reasons you think you are… And the straw that broke the camel’s back… all that stuff

I must say that we have gone through more than most in those 8 years (lost a child, lost parents/grandparents, lost jobs, moving, travel, 4 kids, an ex-wife who is relentless, step son with developmental disabilities…

Anyway, I just thought I’d pipe up to say that there ARE some princes out there, but mine is NOT available!!!
Well now! *Ahem!* :p That was not quite the direction I would expect this topic to take! Personally my first real kiss (not a peck, or even a peck on the lips but a REAL kiss!) was an older man, older to the point that he could have gotten in quite a bit of trouble considering I was 15! It reminded me quite a bit of that police song for a short while... Don't Stand So Close To Me! It's really not his fault, I was truly intent! Luckily for us both we were quite aware of precisely what our short fling was and how deep it didn't go, though we were (and are still!) good friends. Honestly it could have been a total mess but I think had it been any other people it would never have happened in the first place because we both knew eachother so well and if we were in that situation with someone else we would have said no (And before and after I did, many a times. I looked a lot older than I was being 5'8" at 13 and older men were always trying to hit on me!). He gave me mono, though, and I didn't even know it. I got what I thought was a bad flu that winter with a fairly high fever and was bedridden for 2-3 days... Mom dosed me up with some goldenseal root tea and I was better in record time! Next thing I knew a few years later I gave Mono to my current and forever partner and it was pretty severe, he was out of commission for over a month... And for a day or so after diagnosis it was a mystery as to where it came from until I suddenly realized that it wasn't a flu at all! The symptoms and duration were so brief for me I missed it entirely!

Now I swear by goldenseal root tea for curing all wintertime ails! XD If you can get past the fact that it tastes like a mix between something like burnt coffee and urine... Ugh! When my friends get sick I am always offering to dose them with some Nasty Tea (tm) to fix it!

I'm not sure if it's off topic or on topic any more, but my three Ameraucana chicks hatched out a few days ago. XD I have been feeding them FF and they are doing great! My hens have also begun laying again, though certainly not full-force. My 8 hens are (at last) giving me 2-4 eggs per day! This is a huge improvement over the 3-5 eggs we were getting each WEEK at the start of the month! I have mostly been fermenting for the chicks lately but soon I will be fermenting for the hens again! Their biggest boon has been the rabbit bedding. This keeps their toesies warm when they come outside despite the deep snow!

And speaking of deep snow, we're heading into the 72 hour range of 36-45* temps this week! But there is still like 6-10 inches of snow on the ground. Only now it's all slick like ice and crusted over on the top. 9_9; Joy! I have been trying not to fall all day!
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I just checked the forecast for next week (because CM mentionned weather), and the beautiful forecast of above freezing/freezing weather for the next 2 weeks has changed back to a deep freeze (daytime highs if 0f, lows at -20f)... I was thinking we were over the worst and just being a pessimist that we had at least one or two more deep freezes left this winter. Now it seems, I was just the realist.

Wish I was wrong!
Well speaking of weather... the wind is roaring here with a big thunder boom and lightening every now and then and rain beating on the windows. The local TV weather folks are babysittling us (God bless them!!!) and telling several to take shelter because of tornado conditions. Some around here are having 60-70 mph winds. Thunderstorm warnings, tornado watches and tornado warnings all around and sprinkle all of that with a little hail. I really don't like this...

...I do wonder what a big underground or maybe a concrete coop would cost...? LOL
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Since we are totally OFF topic and ADULT contact. What is the essence of a Real. rooster shall we say??? Love is an illusion thats why women CANT be understood Im curious not that I care because Im celibate too

The essence? I guess that's different for each woman but many of the characteristics one looks for are basically the same...that's why the romance movies and books are so successful, they feed into the dream of the "perfect" mate/male but in reality there are none. We aren't perfect either, so that's okay.

I've always wanted a man who was wise. For, if he is wise, he will have~ or work to develop~ all the other traits that are so very valuable in a man~or woman, for that matter.

This pretty much describes everyone's "perfect guy".....everyone run over to Sarah's house, kidnap her fella and rush him to the cloning lab. STAT!

I'll add to that list: Godly, tender-hearted, strong, sensitive, smart, humorous, honorable, respectful of women, clean, good father, good husband, good friend, good neighbor, good employee, gets up when he falls, helps me up when I fall, understanding, and not self-absorbed...really looks at you when you talk and engages in the subject matter~no matter how many times he might have heard it, because you do the same for him. Kisses you even when not working up to physical intimacy. Tells you he loves you every day and really means it. His face lights up when you come in the room, no matter how many years you are together.

He doesn't complain about you at work and you can't think of anything to complain about him at work either. He truly is your friend and worries about what you might think of something, because that's what friends do, but also is the man of the family and is strong enough to lead it on right pathways, not giving into the weaker intentions of a woman or the kids, but goes where God would have him lead.

He sees what needs to be done before you mention it, because he is observant~in other words, you won't need to nag him because he is working one step ahead of you. He also expects the same of you, because that's how a partnership is....both working together, but also independently. He allows you to be who you are, because that is who he married, but he also shows you who you could be when equally yoked with him and going in a single direction.

In other words, he's a dreamer and he takes you along into those dreams and even wants to go along in your dreams, as long as they are both of a godly endeavor. You can walk, work and love side by side without worrying about who has the upper hand....God does, then your husband because you can trust him to have it, then you, because he trusts you to carry what he cannot.

He's a joy to work with, live with, travel with, sleep with, have intimacy with, have kids with, have a meal with, go through hard times with, go through joyful times with, worship with and have a life with. That's the perfect "rooster" for me.
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The essence? I guess that's different for each woman but many of the characteristics one looks for are basically the same...that's why the romance movies and books are so successful, they feed into the dream of the "perfect" mate/male but in reality there are none. We aren't perfect either, so that's okay.

I've always wanted a man who was wise. For, if he is wise, he will have~ or work to develop~ all the other traits that are so very valuable in a man~or woman, for that matter.

This pretty much describes everyone's "perfect guy".....everyone run over to Sally's house, kidnap her fella and rush him to the cloning lab. STAT!

I'll add to that list: Godly, tender-hearted, strong, sensitive, smart, humorous, honorable, respectful of women, clean, good father, good husband, good friend, good neighbor, good employee, gets up when he falls, helps me up when I fall, understanding, and not self-absorbed...really looks at you when you talk and engages in the subject matter~no matter how many times he might have heard it, because you do the same for him. Kisses you even when not working up to physical intimacy. Tells you he loves you every day and really means it. His face lights up when you come in the room, no matter how many years you are together.

He doesn't complain about you at work and you can't think of anything to complain about him at work either. He truly is your friend and worries about what you might think of something, because that's what friends do, but also is the man of the family and is strong enough to lead it on right pathways, not giving into the weaker intentions of a woman or the kids, but goes where God would have him lead.

He sees what needs to be done before you mention it, because he is observant~in other words, you won't need to nag him because he is working one step ahead of you. He also expects the same of you, because that's how a partnership is....both working together, but also independently. He allows you to be who you are, because that is who he married, but he also shows you who you could be when equally yoked with him and going in a single direction. In other words, he's a dreamer and he takes you along into those dreams and even wants to go along in your dreams, as long as they are both of a godly endeavor. You can walk, work and love side by side without worrying about who has the upper hand....God does, then your husband because you can trust him to have it, then you, because he trusts you to carry what he cannot.

He's a joy to work with, live with, travel with, sleep with, have intimacy with, have kids with, have a meal with, go through hard times with, go through joyful times with, worship with and have a life with. That's the perfect "rooster" for me.
Bee - why are you writing about my husband more eloquently than me? Though, he doesn't worry about what I might think. He knows what I think (telepathy), as do I, and generally we push each other to do what we ought to do when we haven't taken care of ourselves.

For example, when our first son was about 1 year old, and I had not had a free moment in 10 months (a very needy baby compared to the others), Hubby organized for me to go on a day canoe trip with a friend (I used to be a canoe guide), and have both our families meet at the end of the day. He didn't tell me until I saw him putting the canoe on the van. We paddled all day and ate a lunch he had packed us. When we showed up at our destination, hubby had made a camp fire, had cooked a fabulous dinner on it in the dutch ovens (roast beef, corn, spuds, carrots, salad, garlic mushrooms), and we roasted marshmallows, sang songs, and made smores... He managed this all while dealing with a 10mo old who was away from his mom all day for the first time... It was the best thing EVER, and I hadn't even asked about needing a break, but he just knew that I needed it. And no, that isn't the only time. That's just an example

(Bee - ee may have a slightly different idea of the hierarchy (I hope that's allowed :p ) . I would say that both he and I are a partnership rather than either of us having an "upper hand". In some things, he is more knowledgable or passionate, and in others I am. We respect that, want to learn from each other, and support each other to do more and better as individuals, and as partners.)
Bee - why are you writing about my husband more eloquently than me? Though, he doesn't worry about what I might think. He knows what I think (telepathy), as do I, and generally we push each other to do what we ought to do when we haven't taken care of ourselves.

For example, when our first son was about 1 year old, and I had not had a free moment in 10 months (a very needy baby compared to the others), Hubby organized for me to go on a day canoe trip with a friend (I used to be a canoe guide), and have both our families meet at the end of the day. He didn't tell me until I saw him putting the canoe on the van. We paddled all day and ate a lunch he had packed us. When we showed up at our destination, hubby had made a camp fire, had cooked a fabulous dinner on it in the dutch ovens (roast beef, corn, spuds, carrots, salad, garlic mushrooms), and we roasted marshmallows, sang songs, and made smores... He managed this all while dealing with a 10mo old who was away from his mom all day for the first time... It was the best thing EVER, and I hadn't even asked about needing a break, but he just knew that I needed it. And no, that isn't the only time. That's just an example

(Bee - ee may have a slightly different idea of the hierarchy (I hope that's allowed :p ) . I would say that both he and I are a partnership rather than either of us having an "upper hand". In some things, he is more knowledgable or passionate, and in others I am. We respect that, want to learn from each other, and support each other to do more and better as individuals, and as partners.)

I'm in love! With Sarah's husband......
Bee, I just want you to know that you form your thoughts so very well and you put them down in order and they flow and go together like they should. I tend to be a little bit scatter-brained and just am not as eloquent as you are. But I want you to know, I copied all of that which you wrote above and have put it into a "Word" document. I'm going to make a wood burning, actually two, and the words will be what you wrote. I'm going to give one to my daughter when she and her wonderful fiance tie the knot and I'm going to give one to my son before he even gets involved with any young ladies. I want him to see this and read it and get it engrained into who he is so that his wife will NEVER have occasion to ask the Lord, "Why?"

You are truly a blessing and I just want you to know that I appreciate you so very much. I wish we lived closer too cuz I think we could be pretty good buds. I would learn a lot from you and you would have lots of good reasons to laugh and probably roll your eyes a bit too!

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