Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I made a wooden holder for the trough feeder (drywall pan) so that it sits up higher & keeps the food cleaner. I also dont feed in the coop to also alleviate the problem

no specific measurements just long enough so they can all eat without much bickering

I'm making a holder for the feeder this weekend. Unfortunately I still have to feed them in the coop as the run isn't quite done. I hope to have it finished by next weekend as I know my flock is getting a little restless.
I find that if the trough is deep enough, they don't walk in it and they don't dump it out all over the place.

I started using pyrex bread pans and just happened to see this flower box at Lowes that I can fit 2 in that have the handles on them. (Handles overlap in the center). I can just lift the pans out if they need cleaning but most the time I just keep refilling them. I have several of them that I use at the same time depending on how many birds I have.

Very cool! I just started FF a week ago and so far they LOVE it!!!
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I re-started FF about two weeks ago I think... and as of yesterday, the feed has finally begun to ferment. My garage has been at refrigerator temps, so it's slow going!
I've discovered that my birds definitely prefer a longer fermentation vs a shorter one. The food I ferment for 3-4 days gets gobbled up almost immediately, but they showed far less enthusiasm for the food that had only fermented 2 days even though I had backslopped in the hope of accelerating the process.

I'm also experimenting with sprouted grains sprinkled on top of their feed. So far they love alfalfa and quinoa, were less enthused with radish sprouts, and went nuts for barley and cabbage sprouts (thinnings from my garden).

Sometimes I think I feed my chickens better than I do my human family.
@LindaB220, I had no idea it would ever be cooler in Louisiana than Portland. That is crazy, over 100 degrees! Something to do with the ocean I guess. Well get my old bones to bed. They get me up so darn early.. I was reading about having the lights go on with a timer so they will not stop laying. I couldn't stand for them to start crowing at 5AM! Being off the internet so long I lost my window to sell my roosters. I've got 7 roosters right now! Got 'em on craigslist but it is too late in the season and no one's buying! A big Lavendar Ameraucana, a bigger ISA Brown that was sexe and should have been a hen, a gorgeous little curly feathered frizzle, a cuckoo bantam cochin, 2 bantam D'Uccles and a monstrous Silver Laced Wyandotte-Australorp cross that also was supposed to be a girl. The neighbor's must hate me! I know one does for sure and this was when I only had 2. We have all these Californians flooding into Texas. Well one moved behind me and started a petition against my chickens but no one would sign it so she had to give up. They told her, "No one asked you to move to Texas and besides we here in Austin live by the motto, 'keep Austin weird' ".Nite!

I am new to keeping chickens but unless someone keeps roosters or has no fence and the chickens are all over why someone would have issues about having them in the area.
I am new to keeping chickens but unless someone keeps roosters or has no fence and the chickens are all over why someone would have issues about having them in the area.

@LindaB220, I had no idea it would ever be cooler in Louisiana than Portland. That is crazy, over 100 degrees! Something to do with the ocean I guess. Well get my old bones to bed. They get me up so darn early.. I was reading about having the lights go on with a timer so they will not stop laying. I couldn't stand for them to start crowing at 5AM! Being off the internet so long I lost my window to sell my roosters. I've got 7 roosters right now! Got 'em on craigslist but it is too late in the season and no one's buying! A big Lavendar Ameraucana, a bigger ISA Brown that was sexe and should have been a hen, a gorgeous little curly feathered frizzle, a cuckoo bantam cochin, 2 bantam D'Uccles and a monstrous Silver Laced Wyandotte-Australorp cross that also was supposed to be a girl. The neighbor's must hate me! I know one does for sure and this was when I only had 2. We have all these Californians flooding into Texas. Well one moved behind me and started a petition against my chickens but no one would sign it so she had to give up. They told her, "No one asked you to move to Texas and besides we here in Austin live by the motto, 'keep Austin weird' ".Nite!

I think Beverly was talking about her seven crowing roosters at 5AM.
I was afraid myself because my family said No Crowing, but the house is insulated enough that we can't hear the one I have. Thank God!!!!
I use water Kefir as a starter and it works a treat. Also milk Kefir but this is more expensive as you need the actual milk to start with, but the whey from making cheese all goes to the animals.

Great Thread. 

Mmmmm....I love water kefir and drink it every day. Milk kefir not so much......but I don't do dairy except for butter. Hadn't thought of using it to start the ff.
Good idea!

Hey Beekissed. Very interested in learning more about fermenting our chickens feed. However this thread starts with you quoted saying "Fermenting your grains is supposed to increase your protein by 12%" Is that supposed to be worded different? Are you referring possibly to chickens being able to absorb more protein? Just want to make sure it's not taken out of context. As far as have researched, I am seeing that fermenting cannot actually change protein levels in feed itself but is extremely beneficial with several things including digestive system helping with making hard to digest proteins more digestible. Is that what you were referring to? Thanks
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Hey Beekissed. Very interested in learning more about fermenting our chickens feed. However this thread starts with you quoted saying "Fermenting your grains is supposed to increase your protein by 12%" Is that supposed to be worded different? Are you referring possibly to chickens being able to absorb more protein? Just want to make sure it's not taken out of context. As far as have researched, I am seeing that fermenting cannot actually change protein levels in feed itself but is extremely beneficial with several things including digestive system helping with making hard to digest proteins more digestible. Is that what you were referring to? Thanks
Not BeeKissed but happy to have you. Fermented feed is the best ever. Yes it does allow that the absorbtion throws it up 12%.. So if you feed 13% oats and ferment it, the total would be around 14.5% If you don't want to read the entire thread, although I did, and it's long you can go to a Faq sheet by Tikktok and come up to speed and join in here. We are always happy to answer questions. This just shortens your learning time.


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