Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

My next task isnto ask the adjoining landowner if I can run fence on an unused portion of his property. It was originally cleared but now is somewhat overgrown. I think my birds would love it. He is a farmer so I don't think I will get any resistance there. Next year I will make some frames to grow greens under so the birds can get greenery besides when I mow the lawn.

I've got to get the main coop/run built and I am going to fence about an acre in electric, to keep dogs out mainly. And I hope to get my younger birds and older birds housed together. I have a few young pullets I may sell and a few roosters to sell or eat. I'd like to get everything "organized and simplified" before bad weather. I may get a couple goats to help them out in the spring. I've got one part of that acre the chickens don't even venture into but it will be heaven to goats. Goats are great for clearing land!

When trying to break a broody, you don't starve them, you just put the food and water away from the nest. She'll have to get up to go get it, and she might eventually forget to go back. I wouldn't put a fan on her nest. I'd put the fan where the other chickens are.

kden, Puhi
I sure hope some of mine give me double yokers! I have 7 of them.

Don't wish for double yolkers...they are kinda cool and fun to get, but a sign of abnormal ovulation and doesn't bode well for the hen's body or her laying longevity. There is a reason most eggs are of a uniform shape and size and that is because the oviduct is only so big and only so elastic. Large eggs traveling down it over and over can cause prolapse and eventually some major problems with laying...painful laying, egg bound, prolapse of the oviduct out of the vent, etc.
Wow, that's a glossy, fat hen! And in the middle of molt season, no less.

Are you all finding a better, glossier feathering on your birds...I can see these last two pics show some vibrant colors and sheen. I think most have reported this but wondering if some of the folks more new to FF are seeing a change in feather quality and shine?

My chickens that are not moulting have absolutely beautiful feathers! I sold a few a couple months ago to a friend & she couldn't believe how shiny/plump they were. My chickens/turkeys have been on FF since Oct of 2012.
Don't wish for double yolkers...they are kinda cool and fun to get, but a sign of abnormal ovulation and doesn't bode well for the hen's body or her laying longevity. There is a reason most eggs are of a uniform shape and size and that is because the oviduct is only so big and only so elastic. Large eggs traveling down it over and over can cause prolapse and eventually some major problems with laying...painful laying, egg bound, prolapse of the oviduct out of the vent, etc.

oh noooo don't want any double yokers! Nope none for me and thank you for telling me all that cuz I sure didn't know why they do that. I sure hope the other persons don't have any of these problems with theirs!

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