Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Question, I received my meatys CX yesterday, and started them on FF, the problem is this time I thought I would set up a brooder pen in the coop. The flies are crazy for the FF. I have never had that problem with reg. feed( pellets or crumbles) some of the little chicks are snatching the flies and eating them, will this harm them and is there some way to control the flies and not hurt the chicks. It almost prevents them from eating the feed:(The coop is deep litter freshly cleaned with PDZ and DE. Help!

I'm wondering if you have a full ferment or if you just have wet feeds. I've never seen a fly on any of my FF, but I think they would really love wet feeds that were not fermented. Any CX chick I've ever seen wouldn't allow flies to slow them down and the flies would become part of the meal. Those things are really quick!
Yep! I've got some little Buckeyes that are going to be pretty but they look pretty rough right now (molting). These sure don't have the shine and color that Skitzkle's birds do. My youngster's pen still looks like a pillow fight went down! LOL

I've been wondering how intergrating my two groups would go... The older birds have been visiting the youngsters through the fence. I saw the rooster at the fence talking to the young birds. He was scratching around showing them something to eat. He's so sweet.
Maybe he won't let the older girls be too mean to them. He's quick to break up fights among his ladies. I believe when I'm out to watch them I may start letting one or two pullets at a time go in and visit the youngsters. Some of them try to get in there anyway.
Perhaps just open up your two pens while you are out to supervise and let them all mingle? Chickens are creatures of habit and will likely go back to their own roosts when it gets dark, tho sometimes mine have had minds of their own and play musical coops.
Question, I received my meatys CX yesterday, and started them on FF, the problem is this time I thought I would set up a brooder pen in the coop. The flies are crazy for the FF. I have never had that problem with reg. feed( pellets or crumbles) some of the little chicks are snatching the flies and eating them, will this harm them and is there some way to control the flies and not hurt the chicks. It almost prevents them from eating the feed:(The coop is deep litter freshly cleaned with PDZ and DE. Help!

I'm wondering if you have a full ferment or if you just have wet feeds.  I've never seen a fly on any of my FF, but I think they would really love wet feeds that were not fermented.  Any CX chick I've ever seen wouldn't allow flies to slow them down and the flies would become part of the meal.  Those things are really quick! 

It's not completely fermented yet, I had just decided the day before I got them, so I would say its more like wet mash with ACV for now., so I should wait till it has fully fermented and just feed crumbles? Thanks for the help I am FF challenged:)
No I didnt wait. the wet crumbles are not going to hurt them if they are not fermented yet. When I got my new chicks I hadnt started to ferment their feed and they ate the wet food just fine.
It's not completely fermented yet, I had just decided the day before I got them, so I would say its more like wet mash with ACV for now., so I should wait till it has fully fermented and just feed crumbles? Thanks for the help I am FF challenged:)

You don't have to wait, but it could explain why you have flies...you have sweet smelling, sweet tasting feed set out for them so it's understandable they are attracted. I think once your feed is fermented, you'll see a drastic reduction in the flies that come to the feed and to their feces.
Perhaps just open up your two pens while you are out to supervise and let them all mingle? Chickens are creatures of habit and will likely go back to their own roosts when it gets dark, tho sometimes mine have had minds of their own and play musical coops.

Yeah I probably ought to start doing that. That would probably be the easiest way to intergrate the bunch.
You don't have to wait, but it could explain why you have flies...you have sweet smelling, sweet tasting feed set out for them so it's understandable they are attracted.  I think once your feed is fermented, you'll see a drastic reduction in the flies that come to the feed and to their feces. 

I was looking at my coop/run yesterday... it really does not smell at all and I saw very few flies. Mine is doing like you have talked about - the litter is just disappearing into the ground. What do you do when you want some good compost/fertilizer? lol
Yep! I've got some little Buckeyes that are going to be pretty but they look pretty rough right now (molting). These sure don't have the shine and color that Skitzkle's birds do. My youngster's pen still looks like a pillow fight went down! LOL

I've been wondering how intergrating my two groups would go... The older birds have been visiting the youngsters through the fence. I saw the rooster at the fence talking to the young birds. He was scratching around showing them something to eat. He's so sweet. :) Maybe he won't let the older girls be too mean to them. He's quick to break up fights among his ladies. I believe when I'm out to watch them I may start letting one or two pullets at a time go in and visit the youngsters. Some of them try to get in there anyway.
Sounds to me like you have a good rooster!

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