Few-day-old chicks are huddled up but AWAY from heat lamp??


Mar 29, 2020
Winston-Salem NC
I have a group of five chicks that are a few days old and they are all on the opposite side of the heat lamp. I have moved the heat lamp away from them a bit, but they keep doing this. They do not seem sick or lethargic, they just seem to hate the lamp. Any ideas about what I should do? Thanks in advance.
what is the temp near the lamp? and the spot they sit at? might need to move the lamp higher up. it is prolly too hot for them. i suggest about 89 to 90 under the lamp and about 80 to 85 furthest away from it. this way they can choose the temp they like.
How close is the heat lamp? Make sure the heat lamp is giving of heat but isn't too hot. What is the chicks housing situation?
The heat lamp is to hot I imagine.try to raise it a little to see if they spread out more
what is the temp near the lamp? and the spot they sit at? might need to move the lamp higher up. it is prolly too hot for them. i suggest about 89 to 90 under the lamp and about 80 to 85 furthest away from it. this way they can choose the temp they like.

I just moved the heat lamp again and they finally started to spread out. It is only around 80-85 degrees in there according to my thermometer. The hottest area is around 90 degrees. I think they are ok now. They also are more active when I am in their room, for some reason.
I just moved the heat lamp again and they finally started to spread out. It is only around 80-85 degrees in there according to my thermometer. The hottest area is around 90 degrees. I think they are ok now. They also are more active when I am in their room, for some reason.

they like attention. mine liven up if im around but freak out if i pick them up. they are courious little raptors!

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