Finally, sending pictures on Julie. . .

Really good info Lothiriel
I couldn't have put it better myself.

And yes, ooooooooooooh boy is the first bird a boy.
Thanks so much Farmer Dan.
My question is this, should I separate the 2 of them??
They are only 3 months old. Will she become egg bound due to his Manly-ness???
I spent some time with both of them today, as they were crawling all over me, while I was securing the bottom of the run with hardware cloth.
We've had a heck of a time with yellow jackets these past few days. DH came home with an arsenal of things, ideas, techniques that other members posted last night. Seems like we are on the offesive side of things with the yellow jackets.
Yet, still would like to know the best plan of care for the 2 EE's.??? Anyone have any ideas or advice?? Once again, thanks so much in advance!!!!!

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