Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You plan improvements for their home before your own.
You talk to everyone at work about your chickens.
You have all of them named and can tell them apart (even if they are of the same breed).
Just seeing the cover of a magazine with a picture of a chicken on it gets you excited.
Your kids say " You have spent more time with the chickens today than you have with me!" " You need to come inside!" I got that comment yesterday!
Gosh, ALL of these are soooo true! And unfortunately (or fortunately) I fall into the Obsessed group!

... and have been guilty of bringing home scraps for my chickens from restaurants, friends barbeques, family functions, etc!

Who can resist such sweet creatures??!
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You have 125 laying hens and you can match every egg to the hen who laid because you know the size, shade and shape of every hen's egg.
Oh, and you know that a hen always lays basically the same shape egg.
Oh, and you know who is crowing when you hear it, even though you own 25 roosters.

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