Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You Sleep in the coop sometimes! (or accidently fall asleep in there! )

when your pet hen rosie is confused on where she needs to lay her egg and through all the ruckus she wants in your house, you let her in and she goes to your daughters bedroom gets on the bed and lays her egg. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont tell anybody. i mean we all know thats not normal
You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when...

... You decide that you want to start a chicken-raising business for your sixteenth birthday... and three months later you count *your* chickens and realise you have 37.

... You go for your first riding lesson and find that there are chickens in a run next to the arena... and you spend your whole lesson working out which breed each one is.

... You have a very sick chick and you hold it in your hands for three hours straight just so it won't die alone.

... You convince your father that he should help you buy a fence for the chicken run for a mother's day present (because your mother's sick of having chickens coming onto the back verandah).

... You hear your sister ringing into a lesson and being asked how her day is so far... and she starts off by saying, "I helped my sister catch six escaped chickens this morning before I let my ducks out into their run."

... Someone asks you just how many chickens you have, and you have to stop and count them because you know them all by name... and then you come up with a number like 37.

... You've found a correspondence university course on backyard poultry raising which you're going to do once you've finished high school. (

... You go into the library whenever you can, just to see whether the most recent addition of "Poultry Australia" has come in yet.

... You start a conversation at dinner with "I was on the chicken forum today..."

... You're late to French school and your answer is, "J'ai vendu une poulet cet après-midi."

... You're not ready for a German oral because it was hatch day and you were watching chicks hatch rather than doing your homework.

... Your French teacher tells you to write a short biography about a living thing from birth to death, and you call it, "L'histoire d'une caille." (

... You're volunteering at a youth camp that does mostly horse riding, and you spend an hour standing at the edge of the arena with two horse-mad campers listening to them try to one-up each other. The conversation goes something like this...
Camper #1: I have six horses.
Camper #2: I have seven horses.
You: I have twenty-eight chickens.
Camper #1: I have a pink bridle for my horse.
Camper #2: I have a purple and blue bridle with a nose ring for my horse.
You: I have a chick coop with a mural on the side.
Camper #1: I have an arena at my house to practice in.
Camper #2: I have an arena and a round yard.
You: I have a chicken run.
Camper #1: I have a horse float.
Camper #2: I have two horse floats.
You: I have a bird cage.
Nearby Staff Member: Is there a bird in it?
You: No... it lives in the car so that if I stop in at the grain & fodder shop and see a chicken I like, I already have the travel cage ready...

... You start learning Spanish and one of the first phrases you ask your teacher for is, "Tengo muchos pollos."

... You take a dozen home-grown eggs from your own chooks in to German school get on your teacher's good side.

... You know all the right vocabulary for talking about chickens in German but you can never remember the right words for the contents of your pencil case.

... You get into a heated argument with your younger sister about whether chickens or ducks are better.

... Your mother doesn't even bat an eyelid when you walk into the lounge room with a chicken in your arms and sit down to watch with her.

... You're convinced that the chicks in the brooder are singing along as you practice piano.

... You purchase six week-old chicks from a different grain & fodder shop to usual, and the lady selling them to you is surprised that you already have a brooder, heat lamp, and a bag of chick starter crumble.

... Your violin teacher asks you to come out to her back yard with her so that you can work out what breed her chickens are.
You know you are addicted to raising backyard chickens when...

You research in preparation for your first time raising chicks, and your search sends you to BYC 99% of the time.
The one time your search engine sent you elsewhere for a chicken answer, it was not what you needed, so you went to BYC to find it.
You join BYC because of the first two reasons and to start a chicken blog.
Upon starting your blog your husband says, "You're starting a chicken blog? You are soooo addicted!"
Your husband asks if you have opened a chicken vet clinic in your kitchen.
Your new patients and a few coworkers know you as "That Chicken Lady" instead of by your actual name.
Your father-inlaw asks you for chicken advice because he's heard how many times you read something on BYC that helped you save a hen.
You dream it is you in the last scene of "The Sound of Music" except instead of other people,it's your chickens on the hill with you.
You fret about going on vacation, and while you are gone, you call your brother for Chicken Updates and he understandingly
texts you a picture of your healthy and happy chicks.
Upon winning a bet, you get meal worms or other favorite treat. for your girls, and you mom knows which treats they like!
All of them are named and you can tell which noises come from which bird.
You go out to the coop really late, and you know the outline of each bird, and where to find them when they roost.
You know something is flying above because your rooster(s) just "told" you and the rest of the flock.
You rinse your waterers out and rub your hands all over them to get the thin layer of slime out when you forget to add ACV.
Your mom and grandma come to visit and end up just as entranced with your birds as the 3 of you sit outside and watch them free range.
You only let them "free range" when you are home to watch them.
A neighbor buys eggs from you to hatch and invites you to come see them.
Upon seeing the chicks, you know which hen and roo were the mom and dad of each chick even though the eggs came from 8 hens and you had 3 different roos at the time.
You know which eggs were laid by which hen.
Same neighbor asks if you want some of them, and you REALLY want to say yes, but your coop is at max capacity.
You are SERIOUSLY considering building a new coop or adding on, because they offered to take care of them until you get the space ready!
Your husband asks you to make a math test with written problems, and it is 2 pages of Chicken Math complete with a table of chicken info that you need for solving the problems... You saved the pages and answers on your computer.
Your husbands Jr. High class asks for chicken updates, they know the names of all your chickens that were born the previous year, and they want to help you name the new babies.
The Jr. High kids know which of your hens lays the green eggs and ask about her by her name.
You have a folder on your computer that is labeled "Chicken Stuff"
Atleast 2 or 3 coworkers have asked you to adopt or foster chickens who need a good home.
At home, you refer to yourself as the Egg Production Manager.
You scroll up and realize you've posted over 20 things and you could go on, but you know everyone else on BYC is just as addicted in their own ways and you are content to trust them to finish the list for you! :)
Last edited: ask the president of the company you work for if you can buy the mower shed 'cuz it would make a great chicken coop...and you actually TELL him that...

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