Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

... You get into a heated argument with your younger sister about whether chickens or ducks are better.
I could argue on both side here. My ducks are so adorable
But my chickens act so adorable :D My ducks are so playing to watch playing in the water, but my chickens are so cute chasing those bugs! I love how my chicks like to climb on my head, but I love how adorable my ducks are nibbling at my shirt. I could go on forever!

The first thing I would talk about with my violin teacher is my ducks/chickens!!! Now I have different teacher though......
I've got a few:

You know your addicted to chickens when:

When almost everyone you know knows the name to atleast one of your birds. I actually oly have one adult chicken at the moment (the rest are ducks) and even though most of my family couldn't care less about my any of them, they still ALL now my chickens name.

When you are not listening to the tv, but you immediately look when you hear the words chicken/chick/duck/duckling/etc. This happened about 20 minutes ago.
T.V: Chicks (that's all I heard)
Me: CHICKS!!!!!!

You told your dad you didn't want to move because the place you were looking at has a limit on how many chickens are allowed.

You are looking for a new house to rent and even your dad knows that getting rid of the chickens is NOT an option.

When you go to visit relatives and it doesn't take long for your grandma to tell you that your Uncle came to her house and dropped of a chicken poster for you! It's got 75 different chicken breeds!!!!

You number one favorite video game is a farming game.

Your sister just saved up $80 to go to a concert, and you have $80 saved to buy an incubator!
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You know you are addicted to chickens when you live in the country, drive 2 hours to the nearest town with a Mall and instead you go to the feed store and skip the mall.... and really needed some new makeup from Macy's but chose chicken feed instead! Makeup can wait! lol
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You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when...

... The first thing you do in the morning, before even feeding yourself, is going outside to feed the chickens.

... You have nine chicks living inside and still bring three more in at night because you're afraid they'll get to cold outside.

... You get up at six in the morning to administer antibiotics to a chicken.

... You get home from a day-long conference and the first thing your family does isn't ask you how the conference was, but give you a blow-by-blow report on what the chickens and ducks have been doing all day.

... You're seriously considering harness-training your favourite rooster so you can take him for walks.

... If a chick is sick, you put it in a seperate brooder and move it into your room for the night, even though you know you never sleep well with the light on.

Also, in response to something:

I could argue on both side here. My ducks are so adorable
But my chickens act so adorable :D My ducks are so playing to watch playing in the water, but my chickens are so cute chasing those bugs! I love how my chicks like to climb on my head, but I love how adorable my ducks are nibbling at my shirt. I could go on forever!

The first thing I would talk about with my violin teacher is my ducks/chickens!!! Now I have different teacher though......
I'm not against ducks or anything... but my sister strongly dislikes chickens because "their beaks are too pointy", so I usually just argue on the side of chickens to annoy her. Sometimes I randomly say "Neither, quails!" just to throw her off, although most of the time I can't say which I prefer out of the chooks and the quails.

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