Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

you have feathers in your bathroom
sometimes you forget to feed yourself but never the Girls
you named all your chickens nirvana (buddist word for peace and relaxation)
your mom buys you chicken supplies for your birthday and you love it
you go to grandmas for three day and call every 5 hours to remind your family to feed them
when the neighor dog comes over and snifs around the coop you grab a broom and its on when its time for vacation you ask your mom "can the chickens come to?"
you dont trust anybody but yorself to take care of chickens
you are often seen holding your chickens
you think its all your job and read lot of book on chickens so much so you have nursed a chick back to health
you get your chickens a mirror so they wont be bored
you can read this and more on my moms blog faith family joy and affliction
You are known as" "the girl who is obsessed with chickens"

You NEVER forget to give the girls their treats, but forget to feed yourself.

You hike up a steep hill because their is fresh grass the girls would love at the top.

When you see a pile of dirt on the side of the road you think "Oooh good dust bath materials!"

You aren't afraid to pick up poo with your bare hands.

You dedicate your Sat to cleaning the girls coop and run.

You have nicknames for all of your babies.

You know what each of their favorite foods is, and will ask your mom to pick it up at the grocery store.

Most of the time a phone conversation will switch over to chickens.

Whenever you go outside you are seen with a single file line behind you.

You pick out the perfect colors and patterns of hen saddles for each of the girls (after all, everyone knows that purple and turquoise go with Buff!)

Going to the feed store is something you look forward to. "Chicken shopping" :)

Lol these are mine!

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I got another one:

You know you are addicted to chickens when..... You have chicks sitting on you and your leg hurts because of the position it is in, but you don't want to move because you're afraid it might disturb the chicks.
When the first thing you do when you get home from work is let the chickens out and watch them run around
Who needs to cook dinner anyway haha

one of your "babies" is sick you speed most of the time, looking up symptoms and what could be wrong.

you have a list of poultry breeds, colors, and types you want or need.

you run out of waterers and feeders, then you have to improvise until you can get to the feed store.
You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when...the memory on your digital camera is full of your chickens' pictures and can hold 632 pictures.
You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when... You crawl up the stairs with a chick on your back that you just can't reach, yelling "Help! There's a chick on my back!"
And by having chicks in your room.
when you come home with an only chick.... and so it doesn't have to sleep all alone under a lonely heat lamp you set a towel next to your pillow and let it sleep with you- and wake up to find it snuggled in your hair!!! and every bedtime after that it chirps and chirps waiting for you to come take it to bed with you...

when you make a little pouch for it to ride in across your chest while you shop at walmart. ha ha ha!!! ...all the eyes of children grow real wide when u walk by and they catch site of a chickie in your pocket!! lol ("Mom! Mom! that lady had a REAL chick in her pocket!!! it was REAL I saw it!!!!)
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