Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You can finally ignore the straw and chicken "poop" on the kitchen floor...... Say just a chicken brain here. I may be a houseXpert but apparently I am NOT a chicken site xpert! Oh well. Can you help me here? I have joined up to this site so that I could do research on a series of articles that I am writing about self sufficiency on the 'hobby" farm, the "chicken" gifts, solar use on the down on the farm, energy alternatives, ways to save on.., I am trying to be a writer, so any help that you can provide me with I.E. How do I post on the site? Yes, its that simple but... can you help? Help if you can. have a happy holiday and don't forget to decorate the Coop/s eh! DHL housexpert Blind River ON
You can finally ignore the straw and chicken "poop" on the kitchen floor...... Say just a chicken brain here. I may be a houseXpert but apparently I am NOT a chicken site xpert! Oh well. Can you help me here? I have joined up to this site so that I could do research on a series of articles that I am writing about self sufficiency on the 'hobby" farm, the "chicken" gifts, solar use on the down on the farm, energy alternatives, ways to save on.., I am trying to be a writer, so any help that you can provide me with I.E. How do I post on the site? Yes, its that simple but... can you help? Help if you can. have a happy holiday and don't forget to decorate the Coop/s eh! DHL housexpert Blind River ON
1. When your nickname is chickenboy
2. When your school report is about raising chickens
3. When you write a short reference guide to chicken sounds
4. When you imitate your chickens' noises
5. When you feel somewhat bad after eating chicken
6. When the first thing you say in the morning is "darn rooster"
7. When you want to let an egg hatch if it has a hen sitting on it
8. When you spend an hour a day watching them
9. When you spend so much time with your chickens they try to imitate you talking
10. When you go around asking people you barely know if they know anyone who wants o buy chickens from you
When a whole corner of your desk has chicken items on it because everyone at work knows you have chickens and that's what they buy you for gifts!

New Chicken Ornament this year:

When the happiest day you can remember is getting a rooster back that you thought was gone forever. Lost my home a year ago and sold my whole flock. My sister went in behind me and bought my rooster and my favorite hen. She kept them a secret until I had a place I could have them again. Then she showed up on my doorstep with my chickens! It made my whole year!
When the happiest day you can remember is getting a rooster back that you thought was gone forever. Lost my home a year ago and sold my whole flock. My sister went in behind me and bought my rooster and my favorite hen. She kept them a secret until I had a place I could have them again. Then she showed up on my doorstep with my chickens! It made my whole year!
That about made me cry!

What an awesome sister you have!
... you go in the car and spot every single hen or rooster free ranging
... every piece of wood, metal, plastic, pvc, or any you spot is a possible prime matter to build a coop
... every play house, swing, doghouse, prefabricated shed used or new you see has the potential to become chicken housing
... even if you grew up in the country around chickens, suddenly you realized on how many colors, size, and shapes chickens come!
... you go to HomeDepot and instead of visualizing your own home improvement you start to visualize chicken coop improvements!
When it's pouring rain, thundering, and cold and you go outside to put your girls in anyways.
When the puddle in front of the coop door is so big that you wouldn't be able to put them in without going IN the run that's way too low for you to stand up, and you go in and get poop all over your jeans, and you just shrug and put your chickens in anyways.
When your chicken is cold and wet, so you cuddle her.

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