First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Is that a diamondback? BF just said he'd take the shotgun to it, and lose the eggs and have to rebuild that part of the coop and nest boxes, but it'd be worth it. He just countered with... or a flame thrower.

Oh my goodness, no - say it ain't so!!! A rat snake is a farmer's friend - it will keep down the rodent population that wants to eat your chicken feed.
One of the joys of living in the northern woods is that there are no naturally occurring poisonous snakes or spiders. On the other hand, there's a ton of biting bugs and stinging insects. And winter's about 6 months long.
It is a beauteous Rat Snake
We do get the Diamond Back here though. A few years ago my sweet baby dog got a hold of one and it bit her about 4 times! She almost died! It was the most horrifying animal wound I ever have had to care for! And considering the violent abuse of my animals by some of my physcotic neighbors that is saying a lot! The whole side of her face turned black and it spread down into her throat area and the next morning all the flesh was gone and it was an open bloody wound
. Rat snakes are wonderful garden friends though and I love a beauteous snake such as this
We have rattle snakes and bull snakes here. I am deathly afraid of those (mostly the ratlers) But we do keep a Ball Python as a pet snake, She will eat all the mice we can catch.
I am pretty sure I would just flat out die if I saw a snake in my chicken coop!

Had my Easter Hatch babies out in the yard today for a fun game of "Worm Keep Away". That game is funner than football I tell ya!
I have 2 also in the incubator.
I'm keeping them for breeding stock. For cross breeding with BR, too.

Found this little fella in my goose coop tonight
i think he's dreaming if he thinks he can suck down an entire goose egg

Very pretty snake!! In your later pic, he has his mouth just about covering an egg!

We have far too many garter snakes. I generally don't mind them but I'm tired of running into one every 10 feet. THey give me a heart attack every time! THe numbers should dwindle back to a normal number now that I have the chickens which compete for the same food: worms and grasshoppers.


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