First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

That's a great idea, hypothetically.

I mailed the prizes to NotAFarm and Karimw today. The post office lady asked if I wanted to insure them, I said, "Oh NO, I trust y'all, I know you will treat it like it is fine crystal and take good care of it!" She looked at me as if I had suggested she should paint her butt blue. There were a couple of snickers from the people in line. Let me know it they arrive all beat up because of my smart mouth, I couldn't resist. She said they should be delivered Wednesday or Thursday.

My post master keeps trying to convince me to label the boxes as FRAGILE EGGS. Really? SO the workers can kick them around? I've already had "NICE" discussions with him about the mishandling of eggs sent USPS.
I may just use one of the other 2 PO in the other direction.
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lol.. we had a little teeny goini kingsnake hatchling that was positive that my fingers were food.. he would latch on and chew and chew.. always had a hard time getting him off my fingers or hand.. little bugger was fast too.. i would go to give him a pinky mouse and he would ignore it and have his mouth latched onto my hand before I could remove it from his enclosure!
That's why you should always remove your snake from their enclosure to feed it. Have a small tank to feed it in.

Last time I was at the Phoenix Zoo, there was a huge sign in front of the baboons saying, "Sexy, not sick!! These animals have a very red appearance some times of year in a display for mating. It's not a sign of illness."

Hubby and I still joke about that.
Well, I failed to get any turkey tutors to set so I'm just going to have to teach them myself. I read somewhere once that shipped turkeys have a harder time learning to eat & drink, perhaps due to getting confused by the shipping, so I'm hoping if all they do is go from the hatcher to the brooder, they won't get too confused. For those who have hatched turkeys before, what was your experience?

I did stop by the house of someone I've seen with a "Farm Fresh Eggs" sign out the front, and asked what breeds he has, thinking I might set half a dozen as turkey tutors. He replied "Araucanas, Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orphlingtons". But on further questioning, it turns out he has only one rooster to 60 hens so the fertility was going to be spotty, plus all eggs were refrigerated. If I'd been determined to get them I'd have asked if it would be possible to grab a half dozen eggs out of the nest boxes but due to the fertility and not really needing any more RIR or BO, and figuring the Araucanas were actually EE's that would likely lay brown eggs due to the RIR rooster, I just couldn't get motivated so told him "thanks anyway" and left.

Last time I was at the Phoenix Zoo, there was a huge sign in front of the baboons saying, "Sexy, not sick!! These animals have a very red appearance some times of year in a display for mating. It's not a sign of illness."

Hubby and I still joke about that.
Years ago I worked at a zoo. ! olive baboon, and a few other charaters. Since this is a family show, I thought it , and had a good chuckle!!!!! :D

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