First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Quote: I have 5 little fuzzettes so far
A lovely assortment
The beauteous egglings you sent me will be candled tomorrow
Pics coming in the morning I need to charge my camera battery
Help please! What is the best way to 'wash' a poult?

I helped a poult out yesterday.. which I swore I'd never do, survival of the fittest and all, but I felt it was my fault... it pipped in the incubator a day before lockdown so the humidity was low, then I moved it to the hatcher... it had been working for 2-3 days making a decent size hole and seemed so determined but wasn't able to rotate... it seems to be doing fine now except it still has the top of the shell stuck to it's back (a little bigger then a quarter) and goo stuck to it's wing so it can't open it it properly, I still have it isolated bc the other ones wouldn't stop pecking at the shell fragments.
Belated thanks to everyone for the suggestions on lowering the humidity. I was gone all day yesterday building my new coop at my new property but opened a tool and out popped one of those little dessicant packets so I popped it in my pocket and when I returned last night, put it in the incubator, along with a bowl of rice. I hope brown rice works as well as white because that is all I have. Fortunately the weather forecast is for a warm, DRY week, and the RH is already lower in the house, so the humidity in the 'bator was slowly coming down too. Between that and the rice and dessicant, hopefully its not too late to make a difference to these little guys.
Help please! What is the best way to 'wash' a poult?

I helped a poult out yesterday.. which I swore I'd never do, survival of the fittest and all, but I felt it was my fault... it pipped in the incubator a day before lockdown so the humidity was low, then I moved it to the hatcher... it had been working for 2-3 days making a decent size hole and seemed so determined but wasn't able to rotate... it seems to be doing fine now except it still has the top of the shell stuck to it's back (a little bigger then a quarter) and goo stuck to it's wing so it can't open it it properly, I still have it isolated bc the other ones wouldn't stop pecking at the shell fragments.

the same way you wash a sticky chick

hold him under warm running water
make sure you keep from getting water into his nares and mouth..

try your best to loosen the goo

after keep him as warm as you can so he doesn't get chilled
Belated thanks to everyone for the suggestions on lowering the humidity. I was gone all day yesterday building my new coop at my new property but opened a tool and out popped one of those little dessicant packets so I popped it in my pocket and when I returned last night, put it in the incubator, along with a bowl of rice. I hope brown rice works as well as white because that is all I have. Fortunately the weather forecast is for a warm, DRY week, and the RH is already lower in the house, so the humidity in the 'bator was slowly coming down too. Between that and the rice and dessicant, hopefully its not too late to make a difference to these little guys.

be sure to stir the rice every so often.. that way the rice on the bottom can help absorb the excess humidity as well
I rarely wet a cemented baby. I have a really soft brush for horses faces and
I buff the baby with that,then they don't get chilled. don't do it to vigorously it can still rub em raw! The cement is just the egg white and membrane and stuf,f it buffs right off...but it sure is hard to scrub or wash off of them since when it gets wet it slimes up. Works much better and faster and WARMER for the baby to brush it out...sometimes when babies dry but won't FLUFF up i will pick them up and kinda massage the hair/fluff with my fingers usually my thumbs holding them between both hands and just work my thumbs over it and it breaks the whites loose and fluffs the baby since that stuff is like glue.
One time a chick was stuck in the shell so I helped it out and laid it on the shelf liner, in the hatcher to fluff and dry, it STUCK to the liner...i HAD to put that one completly under warm water and use soap and wash it THEN it fluffed!
But once they dry with that matted hard stuff on them,try the brush works great!

Help please! What is the best way to 'wash' a poult?

I helped a poult out yesterday.. which I swore I'd never do, survival of the fittest and all, but I felt it was my fault... it pipped in the incubator a day before lockdown so the humidity was low, then I moved it to the hatcher... it had been working for 2-3 days making a decent size hole and seemed so determined but wasn't able to rotate... it seems to be doing fine now except it still has the top of the shell stuck to it's back (a little bigger then a quarter) and goo stuck to it's wing so it can't open it it properly, I still have it isolated bc the other ones wouldn't stop pecking at the shell fragments.
I am blessed I have no problem getting rid of roosters or cockrels at all...two mean roos went bye bye to people who are still thrilled to have them and I have had other people want some of my cuckoo and fbc marans, so far have rehomed six maybe 7 roos thus far and there will be many more to come since the LAV AM's are maturing and once we pick our boys all the others will have to go away...i guess...they are so sweet and will come sit in my lap and snuggle down, sometimes two and three birds at a time...I pet them, and talk to them while they chitter at me quietly and my soul is calm and life is sweet...

how on earth do I explain this to the nay sayers who think chickens are just chickens...we also eat our chickens too...not THOSE of course but we process the occasional roo for meat to "cull" out undesirable traits like sprigs on combs and such...but not the sweet ones or the ones that have caught our fancy, since those are the personalities we want to promote anyway. I can only imagine when it comes to getting rid of a bird we love it will come with a lengthy visitation and update (possibly with pictures) clause and a mandatory home visit!!
NEVERMIND just pick another bird....there are 250 + around here! NOT THAT ONE!! or that one...let's go to a DIFFERENT pen....

well,i got 2 palm babies.not too bad since i started with 6 shipped eggs and this was my first time with turkeys.i think if i do it again that i will let a natural incubator do it tho.
one of them is small and has a swollen eye.hatched with it swollen.

here they are

here is the one with the swollen has gone down a little

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