First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Found a bottle of capsules. First dose is in.
Please keep us updated. I haven't had to treat this condition yet, but do like to have information "stored away" so that in the event I need it, its there.
Quote: I did a little research using the only term that might fit: wry neck. So first off I don't know if my diagnosis is correct. A number of treatments were mentioned. 1. Vit E/Se 2. Vit E ( you mentioned) and 3. poly vi sol

I do have VitE/Se as a concentrated powder premix to add to 20 pounds of salt, then feed 1-2 tsp per day to a HORSE.

Moved the poult to the small brooder with the cuckoo marans and the OE. THey are all crowded together terrified of the squawking poult.
Arielle please keep us posted on how your poult does. I had forgotten about the straight vitamin E treatment for the wry neck. Hoping it will work for you.
Wry neck is such a pain. It is so strange how it only effects one bird. You can have a hatch of 20 and only one will get it. I wonder just why that is.
I've put down a couple with twisted necks - they usually are ones that had trouble hatching so I blamed it on position in the egg. Not sure about that though.

I had a poult zipping under a broody last night and found it this morning completely dry in it's shell. It had been in so long it had already pooped. I pulled it out and tucked it back under the hen. Guess we'll see what it looks like when I get home. Hope it's OK, it's a cute little slate
Arielle, in doing a little research on wry neck it looks like it is a combination of the E and Se that is supposed to help. Can you find some premixed ones in the vitamin aisle at the grocery store near you?
Arielle, in doing a little research on wry neck it looks like it is a combination of the E and Se that is supposed to help. Can you find some premixed ones in the vitamin aisle at the grocery store near you?
I have a premix for horses, I think I can give just a few grains on the tongue. How much water does a little one need each day? This one drinks about 2 ml each feeding,

THe VitE/Se is in the poult. I mixed a few grains into the molasses water, and washed it down with gatorade.
wry neck is usually caused by 2 things..
injury ..
vitamin deficiency in the parent stock

in some cases supplements can help.. in others it has no effect... I bought some homeopathic cell salts in case it happens again (only had one chick in the past year with wry neck and it was from shipped eggs)
I'm not sure if the cell salts will have any effect.. but I figured there's no harm in trying since I have had excellent results using them in the past for other things.
yinepu what are cell salts and what else can they be used for? I am interested in knowing about them.
yinepu what are cell salts and what else can they be used for? I am interested in knowing about them.

I picked up a little paperback book at a new age shop back in 1976.. it was called "the Biochemic Handbook"
I was really into homeopathy at the time and the book looked interesting.. after reading it I started playing around with the cell salts.. and was pretty surprised that they worked as well as they did.. then when I was working as a vet tech years later .. one of the vets was into holistic medicine and we used cell salts to treat cats and dogs that were brought in

basically they are the building blocks of human bodies... so if you took human cells and rendered them down to ash.. then analyzed it.. you would find 12 different minerals
the theory is that pretty much anything that is wrong with a person is because the cell salts are out of balance.. by giving the correct salt you can bring the body back into balance. which would fix whatever was wrong.

They are given as a homeopathic dose.. so there is no way to overdose on them.. and if you take the wrong one.. it has no effect

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