First Dirt Bath!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 8, 2011
Locust Grove
Ahh! My sweet little darlings went out today and figured out how to scratch a hole and take a dirt bath! (7 week old O's) The sun was shining and warm so I took them out to the dog log (minus dog) and sat with them for a long while. They lolled in the sun and scratched themselves out a shallow little hole and took took wallowing in it. Very cool indeed!
I can't ever seem to get any good photos when they're dustbathing. I think it's one of those things that have to be seen to be appreciated. They're lovely!
I love the way they just ... Well what do you call it? It looks like the went 'splat'.
They are all spread out and 'loose as a goose', but they are chickens.
It's adorable, isn't it?
I like how they always seem to get in each others' way.
They squash up close together, and suddenly out shoots a leg into someone else's wing...
I just saw my EE chick (who I think is close to 8wks now) take a dust bath. Not sure if it's his first, but it was so cute.
u noe wats more cute 2 day old tryin to dust bath omg sooo cute she was movin like 2 specks of dirt with each kick it was soo cute i was about to have a cute overload and die lol
I too just love to watch my girls dust bathing. It's been raining and just yesterday they all found a dry spot under the playscape and huddled together for their baths. It's raining hard today so I guess they will have to wait till later.

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