First Egg Countdown!!

Congrats to all the new layers. Our BR has laid her little eggs everyday except 2 in the last 10 days. Her eggs are much darker than our last BR. I guess it varies with the hen?
WOW....yes, congratz on all the new eggs

Lots of action the last few days, My Reddest comb girl (black sex link) has been watching me like a hawk! They don't free range, but I spend a lot of time at the coop. Every time I check the nest box she comes to inspect and gets in the box. Even my White Wyandotte sat in the nest box for a few min today.
Gunna be soon...
Ok so since I got my first egg on July 2nd I now have 6 total . One day there was no eggs .. The other days there was at least one egg or one day there was two ...
I obviously have one laying .. Maybe two. I have 14 BRs .. How long does it take them to get reg laying? And they are all the same age so the others can't be far behind right?
Well I am still waiting...not patiently...but waiting. I have 4-5 of my 9 girls squatting and looking red in the face so hopefully I will get some eggs here soon. They are all 18-19 weeks now.

The Suspects:
Amelia (Gold Sex Link)
Daisy (Austra White)
Henrietta (Speckled Sussex)
Ethel (Buff Orpington)
Ella Mae (Black Sex Link)

Who will be first!? I am so eggcited and happy I can share my chicken stalking with you all.

We got our first egg and it wasn't from any of the girls I was keeping an eye on...surprise! One of Jersey Giants, Mable was the first to lay our egg. She was 19.5 weeks old and layed a small but cute egg!

and the egg picture!

Ahhh, I'm so impatiently waiting to find my first egg. 8 of my girls, different breeds, will be 21 weeks this week and not a single egg!!! They free range all day so I thought they may be laying out in the yard somewhere. I put the golf balls in the nest boxes and they move from where I put them so they have to be going in there right!??? Ahh!!!!

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