First eggs and some Newbie questions.


7 Years
May 24, 2012
We found our first two eggs this afternoon from our pullets. We have 4 Marans born in early March and 2 Polish born a week or so earlier. We weren't expecting any eggs yet, but lo and behold, one Marans egg and one Polish. The question now is ......well, everything.....we are as Newbie as you can get. I've been reading some of the other posts, and the community has done an awesome job answering others' similar questions (wash vs no wash, fridge vs counter, etc). A couple of questions i had that I didn't see asked are maybe a little more on the "basics" side.
1. The eggs are very small (saw the answers to that question on other posts) and I know they will get bigger as time goes....but are these edible? We ran out of Medicated Starter/Grower about a week ago, so since we were buying in 50lb bags, we went ahead and switched them to layer that enough time on layer to make these eggs edible?
2. Since we have a rooster of the same age in the coop, and it's been +100 here and we just found these this afternoon (one in a dustbath hole they've dug, and one on the floor of the coop), has the development likely started and how much time to we have to use them if the answer to question 1 is "yes"?

Thanks in advance for your answers and feel free to include any other tips to us Newbs.

Yep, it's fine to eat them. And they will be soooo good!

They won't start developing that fast. (assuming you are collecting daily). So unless you have a broody hen, no need to worry.
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