First ever chicks purchased today!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
I'm thrilled to be part of this community and have already found so much helpful info! I got my first chicks today from the local Farmers' Association. I got Ameraucanas (possible actually EE's) I only have room for two, but am purchasing for my parents as well and will get more from different breeds available next week. I'm very excited. I was so nervous driving home and check on them so often. Thank you everyone for making this community so I'm able to live my dream of having chickens!
from Ohio! You've got some real cuties.
Have fun.
Absolutely adorable. Of course, I haven't seen an ugly chick yet... ever.

I'm so very glad you joined BYC and have entered the surprisingly rewarding world of keeping chickens. You think you love them now? Wait until you learn their individual personalities!!

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