First Hatch of the Year and My First Hatch...EEK!


The next hatch, due today, pipped overnight. I have been moving the eggs from their cups, where they're vertical, to the center of the incubator "floor" (grated, channels underneath), where they're horizontal, a few days before hatch. The chicks pipping face down are the ones getting overwhelmed with goop and dying. Should I be keeping them vertical, or is there a way to determine where they'll pip?

One, two and three are all doing well.
@RavynFallen you wouldn't know it going off the first duck out. He made such quick work of it. Two is 10 hours younger, and three is 28 hours younger. And they all pipped around the same time! Cute little fluff balls. I'll have to post more pictures.

Still confusing with the other two pipping and not making it. It just doesn't make sense to me yet. I think if they had never pipped, it would be less of a hurdle to get over because I feel like their little beaks were out, I could have saved them. We'll see what happens with the next round.
Hi, My little Bouncer was struggling after he was poking his Bill out also.....@RavynFallen & @WVduckchick advised me to chip away some of the shell counter clockwise to help with the zip....It worked and he was out in twenty minutes......

We all learn as we go..........

Best of luck.........


The next hatch, due today, pipped overnight. I have been moving the eggs from their cups, where they're vertical, to the center of the incubator "floor" (grated, channels underneath), where they're horizontal, a few days before hatch. The chicks pipping face down are the ones getting overwhelmed with goop and dying. Should I be keeping them vertical, or is there a way to determine where they'll pip?

One, two and three are all doing well.

If you candle the egg first, pay attention to the slope of the air cell. When you lay the egg down, point the lowest part of the dip facing up.
If there isn't much of a dip, look for the darkest part of the chick, up close around the air cell, and lay that side down.
If that doesn't make sense, I can try to find a picture.

Hi, My little Bouncer was struggling after he was poking his Bill out also.....@RavynFallen & @WVduckchick advised me to chip away some of the shell counter clockwise to help with the zip....It worked and he was out in twenty minutes......

We all learn as we go..........

Best of luck.........


Twenty minutes?? Felt like twenty hours!!
This batch isn't all dead, yay! Just the Cayuga egg again :(

I'm having a hard time candling, but once this batch is hatched I'll do my best to candle the next before moving them to the middle. I'm using a flashlight and my hands, and I don't see much. I was able to watch growth early on, but when we get to the end it's looking like a big black mass. Part of my problem is that the lens is convex (rounded outward) so I can't get the egg fully on it. I need to go shopping.
This batch isn't all dead, yay! Just the Cayuga egg again :(

I'm having a hard time candling, but once this batch is hatched I'll do my best to candle the next before moving them to the middle. I'm using a flashlight and my hands, and I don't see much. I was able to watch growth early on, but when we get to the end it's looking like a big black mass. Part of my problem is that the lens is convex (rounded outward) so I can't get the egg fully on it. I need to go shopping.
That is great news!!

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