First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Since I'm eating them,I don't guess there is a bad cross. :)

Mistakes have never tasted so good
Hi All! So unfortunately, I don't think that anyone exists anywhere on this site except for this thread. Whenever I post anywhere else asking a question, I never seem to get any response. I hear crickets and feel like I'm in a Pink Floyd song, "Is there anybody....out there"? Lol!

So anyway, you peeps are my professionals anyway and I have a question.

I am raising Golden Hybrid and Khaki Campbell ducks. Which I adore by the way. Sorry Ralphie.
When I need to process them out when they are spent, is the meat good or is it like stew hens? Basically, the only answer that I get in my research is that they aren't raised for meat. Ugh, duh, but are they acceptable if that is what you have? It seems like no one can answer a question anymore without adding some dumb opinion. Anyway, I've never eaten duck, so I have nothing to compare to and I'm not sure I can eat them myself. I would most likely want to sell them for meat but is the meat good enough to sell for a good amount like $10-$15 or $3 like I get for an old hen?

Thanks peeps! I plan on getting back to this thread more often. I miss you guys!
I keep hearing that these kinds of ducks aren't meat ducks. Aren't the ones you get in stores Pekins? On an older duck is the meat tough and stringy like stew hens?
Jessica, Do you have an Asian population center anywhere near you? I think they would gladly pay 10 bucks a birds alive. I sell lots of birds I would consider junk to them here for 10 bucks. They always want them alive so they can clean them their way. We have am Asian Bird Market in St Paul and I think many get resold there. I really do not care, once a bird leaves here I am happy it is gone and I do not have to feed or clean up after it...

If it was a duck my happiness would be tripled to have the smelly filthy thing gone...

I also heard ducks work well to fill in swampy areas if you don't mind the smell.........


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