First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I catch myself evaluating the males,picking out traits that I like and telling them,"I might have to hold off on sending you to camp" Next thing I know Ive got 75 or more roosters running around being juvenile delinquents.
I catch myself evaluating the males,picking out traits that I like and telling them,"I might have to hold off on sending you to camp" Next thing I know Ive got 75 or more roosters running around being juvenile delinquents.

Mine go to the "Guinea Gulag" to live on the first offence. Or as I also call it, the camp bus depot...
Generally I look for a reason Not to issue orders for camp. Then it seems like all at once they will decide to attack yours truly. After a few days of getting popped in the back of the legs by sneak attacks I get ticked off and issue their bus passes. I told my wife last night that by November I should have an idea of how the saipan hybrids are going to turn out. I'm leaning to removing them from the mixed population. They are showing tremendous size and fast size but I don't see the width I'm looking for.
I do Jessica,but right now I just don't have the time or the will
At least THEY are staying dry. We have another week of flooding
Ok, just checking. Many people don't know how to break their broodies. I had one lady with chickens tell me that she had a couple of hens setting in the nests "for some reason. It started with one and now there is six. I can't figure out what's wrong with them", she said. I told her they are broody and she didn't know what that meant.

I'm sorry you are having flooding. But while we are on the subject, do you have to pay for flood insurance and do you mind sharing with me your rate? I am trying to figure out our flood insurance rates here and why in the heck we pay twice what the average is when we hardly ever flood here. I am told I pay what Louisiana pays and they have had 64 floods in the last 60 years to the 14 in my state. I'm irritated by this and am feeling like going on a stinking rampage with FEMA over this! Our government needs to get out of the insurance business!

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