First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

This tropical storm is a MAJOR PAIN!!
Looks like its coming straight to my driveway. :(

Wouldn't they make a lovely couple - Ugly chicken and this fellow?:lol:
What breed is he? The split comb reminds me of a breed called a crevouceur?(I don't think I spelled that right) But I think that they come in a different color.
Found his image by goolging 'devil comb'(don't ask:oops:). Don't know the breed and can't find it quickly since you ask! I did find a Crevecoeur
Cool breed, I see why you thought of it. but it has a prominent crest? (Definitely in the running for devils comb also :lau)
Yeah, he is darker than yours and has a crest, so do you know what breed yours is?

I wonder, do they come in bantam sizes? Because we have to get rid of two extra bantam roos, so I might try to find some of these in bantam size to replace them(if you can ever replace a specific chicken individual).
Yeah, he is darker than yours and has a crest, so do you know what breed yours is?

I wonder, do they come in bantam sizes? Because we have to get rid of two extra bantam roos, so I might try to find some of these in bantam size to replace them(if you can ever replace a specific chicken individual).
Sorry, I don't own that bird. I will try to figure out what breed he is and get back to you if I find out:D. They are unusual!

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