First Steps to Building the Coop


5 Years
Mar 8, 2014
peace, hope and country
Today we got the run for the Chicks all fixed!! The frame for the side were falling in (it was an area sectioned off for blueberry bushes. I am in the process of moving the bushes because the little chicks are eating all the leaves lol). We had to cut the screws out that weren't holding the boards to support the walls up because they went all the way through the 2x4's. We got the 2x4's screwed into their proper place and put braces along the bottom to brace the wall and make it so much more sturdy. It is the first work in our run but it is exciting to get the run all secure so we can work on the new coop.

This is the before pic with the saggy wall on the left side.

This is after!
Looking good

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