First time hatching question!

Give them 24 hrs from when you noticed the pips. Read this:
And then if they don't make progress on your own you might have to assist.

I was really hoping that I did not have to assist since I'm so new to this, but I'll do whatever's necessary to increase their survival.. The problem is that by tmr morning I will be at work 12hr shift) so I wouldn't be able to assist until night time.. Will they still be okay? And also they didn't pip through the membrane just the shell layer has fell off... Can they breath?? I'm so worried they will suffocate!!
I hear chirping through the incubator as one seem to be more lively than the other.. Hopefully the other egg is okay too... :fl

Here's a pic:


Hoping this one will come out safely since this one has the most movement. The other egg doesn't seemed to have made any progress from the way this morning looked..
I was really hoping that I did not have to assist since I'm so new to this, but I'll do whatever's necessary to increase their survival.. The problem is that by tmr morning I will be at work 12hr shift) so I wouldn't be able to assist until night time.. Will they still be okay? And also they didn't pip through the membrane just the shell layer has fell off... Can they breath?? I'm so worried they will suffocate!!
I hear chirping through the incubator as one seem to be more lively than the other.. Hopefully the other egg is okay too... :fl

Here's a pic:


Hoping this one will come out safely since this one has the most movement. The other egg doesn't seemed to have made any progress from the way this morning looked..

I just went through this for my first time on my last hatch. First thing I did was increase my humidity in the incubator because I knew I'd be opening it more frequently. Then I took the egg out and made sure there was a whole in the inner membrane, so he could breath. Take a wet q-tip and lightly go over the membrane to look for veining and to see if there is in fact a whole. I ripped the whole a tiny bit bigger to make sure he could get oxygen. Listen to hear if he peeping. How many hours has it been? You could check the veining on the inner membrane to night and see if all the blood is gone. But once you start you usually have to see it through. And sometimes they can get out. Where exactly on the egg did it pip?
I just went through this for my first time on my last hatch. First thing I did was increase my humidity in the incubator because I knew I'd be opening it more frequently. Then I took the egg out and made sure there was a whole in the inner membrane, so he could breath. Take a wet q-tip and lightly go over the membrane to look for veining and to see if there is in fact a whole. I ripped the whole a tiny bit bigger to make sure he could get oxygen. Listen to hear if he peeping. How many hours has it been? You could check the veining on the inner membrane to night and see if all the blood is gone. But once you start you usually have to see it through. And sometimes they can get out. Where exactly on the egg did it pip?

It has been 8 hours. So I did take both of them out to make sure they did have an opening and they both do.. I did make it a little bigger to make sure oxygen it flowing more easily... They pipped near the end (near pointy end). They are both chirping and moving every time I check on them.. But I can see the membrane starting to brown/tan where they had pip.. Is that ok? One of them look like it is upside down.. Should I turn it so they are not upside down? Today is day 20.
It has been 8 hours. So I did take both of them out to make sure they did have an opening and they both do.. I did make it a little bigger to make sure oxygen it flowing more easily... They pipped near the end (near pointy end). They are both chirping and moving every time I check on them.. But I can see the membrane starting to brown/tan where they had pip.. Is that ok? One of them look like it is upside down.. Should I turn it so they are not upside down? Today is day 20.

See when a chick hatches normally, they internally pip into the air cell and start breathing oxygen which helps them finish absorbing the yoke and helps all the veins shut down in the inner membrane. Then they externally pip the shell in the fat end, rest, start zipping and hatch. But when they pip the wrong end, the internal pip is also the external pip. They still need time to absorb the yoke and for the veins to shut down. That's why the rule is to wait 24 hrs. If it looks a little tan or brown you can put some bacitracin ointment, without any pain killer, on it. Or keep wetting it with a qtip. The ointment keeps it moist a lot longer. If you chip away the shell a little and find the internal membrane, wet it with a qtip and look for any veins. If there is still veins then it's too soon. Are the eggs upright or on their sides?

This is how they are looking now
brownish/yellow membranes at the pip signifies the membrane is drying out. If the inner membranes dries as well it could become glued to the chick and prevent the chick from turning. They seem to be pretty centered in the egg which means they may or may not have hit the air cell, (depends how much the air cell drew down before hatch began.) I would make sure you are keeping the membranes moist with a q-tip, and as long as they seem to be active (peeping and moving) keep an eye on them and give them more time. It's been what-10 hours now?? It's still a little early to do a full on assist unless there is something really wrong. I would make sure that the incubator humidity is up around 70-75% if possible (higher is ok as long as there is no condensation in the bator.)
Mine looked the same. But I waited 24-28 hrs and he was more then ready.

After I checked the internal membrane and saw that there was no more veins, I started making a zip.

(Mine was a peafowl egg, that's why you see feathers)
brownish/yellow membranes at the pip signifies the membrane is drying out. If the inner membranes dries as well it could become glued to the chick and prevent the chick from turning.  They seem to be pretty centered in the egg which means they may or may not have hit the air cell, (depends how much the air cell drew down before hatch began.)  I would make sure you are keeping the membranes moist with a q-tip, and as long as they seem to be active (peeping and moving) keep an eye on them and give them more time.  It's been what-10 hours now?? It's still a little early to do a full on assist unless there is something really wrong. I would make sure that the incubator humidity is up around 70-75% if possible (higher is ok as long as there is no condensation in the bator.)

I was just going to come get you!!
brownish/yellow membranes at the pip signifies the membrane is drying out. If the inner membranes dries as well it could become glued to the chick and prevent the chick from turning.  They seem to be pretty centered in the egg which means they may or may not have hit the air cell, (depends how much the air cell drew down before hatch began.)  I would make sure you are keeping the membranes moist with a q-tip, and as long as they seem to be active (peeping and moving) keep an eye on them and give them more time.  It's been what-10 hours now?? It's still a little early to do a full on assist unless there is something really wrong. I would make sure that the incubator humidity is up around 70-75% if possible (higher is ok as long as there is no condensation in the bator.)

OP has to leave for a 12 hr work shift before they hit the 24 hr mark. Should she wait till after her shift?
I was just going to come get you!!

OP has to leave for a 12 hr work shift before they hit the 24 hr mark. Should she wait till after her shift?
How much before? I'd probably check at 18 hours if they are home then and if no progress and there's time before work start an assist and see if the blood vessels have retracted. If they haven't there's really no choice but to wait. If they are going to be home from work (and awake and able) close to the 24 hour mark then waiting till after is best, but I wouldn't personally push it too far past the 24 mark if I could help it. (But that's my comfort level.)

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