First time hatching question!

IMO, his legs look just slightly splayed/spraddled. He looks like he's doing ok to me, though, considering he was an assist. I think he needs a little more time and he'll be up & running. But he'll need extra TLC from you. Hard boiled egg yoke is a good idea. I mash it up with starter. Keep the Gatorade in the water. But keep sticking his beak in food and water. And keep an eye on his legs. Do the other chicks look like their legs are underneath them more? His legs seem a little wide. I had one like that and I was on the fence about bracing them. I didn't and her legs got stronger in a day or two and closer together.

Thanks!! will definitely try out the hardboiled egg! and yea I was thinking the same thing that his legs are wider, the other chicks look more straight.. so i'll give it another day or two and hope he gains strength in his leg, but if not then i'll make a leg brace for this lil fella.
Thanks!! will definitely try out the hardboiled egg! and yea I was thinking the same thing that his legs are wider, the other chicks look more straight.. so i'll give it another day or two and hope he gains strength in his leg, but if not then i'll make a leg brace for this lil fella.

Sounds good! I had one that had splayed legs bad and needed the brace. But one of the siblings looked like yours. A little wide but not totally out to the side. And they got better in a day or two. Are these your first chickens? Are you keeping them to raise?
Sounds good! I had one that had splayed legs bad and needed the brace. But one of the siblings looked like yours. A little wide but not totally out to the side. And they got better in a day or two. Are these your first chickens? Are you keeping them to raise?

Yes they are!! I have never own chickens before.. I mean I had two parrots before but that was many years ago.. So that doesn't count? Lol so I'm very excited to raise these lil ones..
Yes they are!! I have never own chickens before.. I mean I had two parrots before but that was many years ago.. So that doesn't count? Lol so I'm very excited to raise these lil ones..

I'm raising my first flock this year too! Grew up having parrots and pigeons. Decided to raise chickens just last year. It's an awesome adventure! Thank god for BYC! And since you're raising them from eggs, they will be extra friendly. Mine jump up in my lap when I sit down outside!
I'm raising my first flock this year too! Grew up having parrots and pigeons. Decided to raise chickens just last year. It's an awesome adventure! Thank god for BYC! And since you're raising them from eggs, they will be extra friendly. Mine jump up in my lap when I sit down outside!

Really?!?! You seem like you raised birds for a long time! I'm glad you stopped by cuz you and Amylynn been very helpful!! I'm so glad for BYC!! :) Awww that's adorable.. Hope mine will do that too! For now, everytime I put my hand by them, they all run from it.. I'm trying to get them to get use to my touch? But it takes time I'm sure. So the lil guy.. ( I sexed them by the wings..Hope I did it correctly) he is so chirpy! Haha I'm so glad he's doing much better.. I thought he was a wa heartbreaking to see him struggle, but hope that stage is over and he's on his way to grow! So I have him separated but he will keep chirping so loud until I put him with the other 2 (pullets). They seem to peck at him but he will run away from them and they will stop. I'm wondering if I should still separate them, but when I do he chirps until I put him back with them... He so silly lol :cd

So I was observing him after work.. Sat there and watched him and his legs are definitely wider and I also notice why he doesn't have a good balance.. It seems his toes (the shortest ones that seem to support them) are close the the other toe closest to it (like when we put our index and middle finger together)... But they are not webbed tho.. Sorry I don't know if I'm making sense... Will they eventually spread out? Or do I need to put some bandaid to separate it so he will have better balance.?
Really?!?! You seem like you raised birds for a long time! I'm glad you stopped by cuz you and Amylynn been very helpful!! I'm so glad for BYC!!
Awww that's adorable.. Hope mine will do that too! For now, everytime I put my hand by them, they all run from it.. I'm trying to get them to get use to my touch? But it takes time I'm sure. So the lil guy.. ( I sexed them by the wings..Hope I did it correctly) he is so chirpy! Haha I'm so glad he's doing much better.. I thought he was a wa heartbreaking to see him struggle, but hope that stage is over and he's on his way to grow! So I have him separated but he will keep chirping so loud until I put him with the other 2 (pullets). They seem to peck at him but he will run away from them and they will stop. I'm wondering if I should still separate them, but when I do he chirps until I put him back with them... He so silly lol

So I was observing him after work.. Sat there and watched him and his legs are definitely wider and I also notice why he doesn't have a good balance.. It seems his toes (the shortest ones that seem to support them) are close the the other toe closest to it (like when we put our index and middle finger together)... But they are not webbed tho.. Sorry I don't know if I'm making sense... Will they eventually spread out? Or do I need to put some bandaid to separate it so he will have better balance.?
Putting a sandle on it might improve the toes. I'm not sure, but it might be worth a try.
How's the babies doing? When are you planning on hatching again, now that you're a pro? ;)

Lol I am far from pro. They are doing good. One of them is an escape artist lol the smallest chick is half the size of the other two tho (a lil worried about him). I mean he eats and drinks but he is not as active as the other two and sleeps a lot. He also constantly chirps. Idk if he's cold? But the brooder is 95 and sometimes 98-100 on hotter days..

Here's a pic of one of them:

Lol I am far from pro. They are doing good. One of them is an escape artist lol the smallest chick is half the size of the other two tho (a lil worried about him). I mean he eats and drinks but he is not as active as the other two and sleeps a lot. He also constantly chirps. Idk if he's cold? But the brooder is 95 and sometimes 98-100 on hotter days..

Here's a pic of one of them:


So cute!! What kind are they?

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