First Time With Cornish X's

They were all perfectly fine this morning!

I put them out in their temporary pen for the day. I got weights on them all BEFORE I fed them for the first time. The smallest three are 1lb 12oz, the largest three are 2lbs 8oz. The rest are between 2lbs and 2lbs 4oz. They are 3 weeks and 5 days old.

Negative reasons for my smaller weights, not enough feeder/brooder space. The smaller ones are getting pushed towards the back. My husband works 48 hour shifts, so he is finishing the tractor in the morning and the space issue will no longer be a problem.

"Positive" reasons, they've been restricted with food since 1 week old. I feed three times a day, then nothing through the night.

Actually, according to Miller Hatcheries, the weight of broilers at the end of week 3 should be approximately 1lb 8oz
I'm doing everything wrong according to LSUAg Center guide for raising broilers (suggests supplemental feed that is made with milk and oil, feed available 24/7, artificial light around the clock, etc) yet they continue to grow.

Still a bit messy, but feathered in a lot more.
Still growing well, and a couple are actually using the little roosts we put in their tractor. Just over 4 weeks old.
Awwwwwwwwwww. Look how cute. They are HUGE !!!!!!!!!! The look way bigger than mine when I processed mine. :lau Nothing negative at all. Looking good. Keep doing what you're doing and what YOU are comfortable with. Good job! :thumbsup
Awwwwwwwwwww. Look how cute. They are HUGE !!!!!!!!!! The look way bigger than mine when I processed mine.

Nothing negative at all. Looking good. Keep doing what you're doing and what YOU are comfortable with.

Good job!

They really are huge. I haven't weighed them in about 4 days, but some were over 3lbs at the time. The wheels are going on the tractor today, so we can get it out on the grass. I love my husband dearly, but he is sure a procrastinator! He assures me that his pressure washer will remove the chicken poop from the carport floor.

Thank you
Awwwwwwwwwww. Look how cute. They are HUGE !!!!!!!!!! The look way bigger than mine when I processed mine. :lau

Nothing negative at all. Looking good. Keep doing what you're doing and what YOU are comfortable with.

Good job! :thumbsup

They really are huge. I haven't weighed them in about 4 days, but some were over 3lbs at the time. The wheels are going on the tractor today, so we can get it out on the grass. I love my husband dearly, but he is sure a procrastinator! He assures me that his pressure washer will remove the chicken poop from the carport floor. 

Thank you :D

Cool! And yes the pressure washer will knock it all off. That's what I use to clean my carport and driveway. It has a lot of pressure to get the job done.

LOL @ procrastinator :lau
What a day. Had to move the monstrous chicken tractor about 300ft, down our driveway and up the neighbours, then across into our back yard. It's so heavy.

In it's first resting place, chickens were very happy to come out and explore.

4 weeks and 2 days old.

Does anyone know why the Cornish are so hot? Mine always are--what causes this. Maybe from so much eating and digesting going on all of the time. My month old Cornish have been out in an unheated coop for 3 nights now--doing fine.

Chickens have a higher body temperature in general, but I think the Cornish feel especially hot because they are eating so much and burning so much fuel. I'm sure I'm wrong, but that's what I think. I picked one up a few days a go and it was all hot and sweaty under it's wings, lol.

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