Flock/Life Journey's 2019

OOps I meant to write write. It's still morning here, although it seems like we are speaking when we write haha..

Not sure how I missed this picture of one of the gliders..

Aww...my mom's Mimi was used to be named Bobby and I told her the previous owner named him that but she went with Mimi lol. That's why I say it's good that she only has one cat at a time or she'd be confused, but I guess she could call them Mimis 1 and 2.

I gave my friend a Mille Fleur d'Uccles named Pippin and Merry.

Here they were as eggs that I got from a member on here. I think her handle was kritter11, she might not be a member anymore. 16 hatched, including the green egg which turned out to be a blue EE roo who was the first to crow at 8 weeks. Not sure which eggs were Merry and Pippin...

Here they are at about 8 weeks, this was in 2005 I think





The boy d'uccle went to a home with the EE.

Well that's all for now, going to go play with my lil one and have lunch.
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Egg update:
Got 1 egg before I left for work today so hopefully 1 more when I get home!

I got my 77th Egg today! I love my stats!
Lets hope!

We are moving through winter here so the hours of daylight are still low. I am hoping my hens start laying again soon! No eggs yesterday
Oh my! I didn't know nutria existed. My first thought was that it was a beaver and then I saw the tail and thought it was an otter.

Your kids are adorable! I only have one at the moment- he is toddling about as I speak.
We are having an invasion of Nutria in California. Farmers are very worried
Guys! I found a couple older pictures of some of my old flock!

This guy's name was Rodney. He was my favorite rooster ever! This picture got sharpend a little to even out the blurryness.
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This was his son, Spencer, and his girls. The white one was my first EE..... She layed cream colored eggs.
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Did you have a partridge cochin? And if not what is that breed he is so pretty but looks very similar to my PC
Anyone have or have had any 'exotic' or 'strange' animals? Like rare fowl, rodents, birds or reptiles?

I've had mice, hamsters, a cockatiel and currently have two bearded dragons.

This is Muchu. He was my first bearded dragon.
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My most recent boy, Yoshi.
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Mushu doesn't particularly like Yoshi. His beard turns black and starts head bobbing. Go ahead and watch some YouTube videos of bearded dragons head bobbing. It's funny to watch, but is a aggressive behavior. Arm waving is a sign of submission and is also cool to watch.
They are lovely - I do like the look of bearded dragons but I've never had one. We used to have a corn snake, she was lovely, docile, very tame and enjoyed being held.

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